Wicked Twister's Color Scheme...

is the exact same thing as the two V2 Impulse coasters at SFMW and SFGAm. CP's web-site says teal support columns and sun-burst yellow track. Oh geez. Now they're even more similar. ;)
Umm no, V2's have blue supports.  And off the top of my head, I havn't seen any green supports and yellow track in a while.  I have a feeling that CP's next coaster will be black, since there really isn't anything black there.  I think it's color scheme is pretty cool.
Teal is already a blue color though.  I think even though SFMW and SFGaM have those colors, they will still look good in CP.  I mean, are SF's by a lake?
Yes, V2 at SFGAm is right over a lake.
Teal is much more green than blue.
I beleive that the SFMW V2, for one, has teal supports...
~ Blast Coaster - COASTERnet.CoasterBuzz.com!

fethrbrane said:
Yes, V2 at SFGAm is right over a lake.

Hmmmm....woops  ;-p.  lol.  Sorry.  I need to check my facts. 

well, neither v2's have magenta on their trains so there's a difference if it makes you that much more happy.
"who needs drugs when you have coasters...they're like a natural high"
Well, if you call a man-made concrete edged puddle a lake, then yes, it's a lake.  Personally, I call it a water feature...Lake Erie...that's a lake...or even the lake at SFWoA...

"It's Deja Vu all over again." - Yogi Berra

It doesn't bother me if it is the same color as a coaster at another park. Fact is CP doesn't have any coaster with this color scheme. Mantis has yellow, but it isn't as dominant as it will be on WT. I like it, it will be a nice addition
Olsor's avatar
I doubt Cedar Point's next coaster will be black.  I think the park owners take pride in the fact that CP isn't a theme park, and strive to make their rides brighter, more colorful and eye-catching than the competition.  The color schemes at CP are more akin to a carnival than your typical theme park.  Look at Mantis and Raptor, for instance.  Compare that to Six Flags Great America, for example, where you have two entirely black rides, one entirely dark-green, and one entirely dark-maroon.  I think Wicked Twister's color scheme is right up CP's alley.

Of course, I'll eat my words with fava beans and a nice chianti if their next coaster is black.

*** This post was edited by Olsor on 11/29/2001. ***

The acronymn WT is really throwing me off as Valleyfair is my home park.  I know you're talking about Wicked Twister,  but for half a second I get the feeling you folks are talking about Wild Thing.

Personally, I don't think the fact that the color scheme is close to V2s at SFGAM and SFMW is really that big of a deal.  I think the important thing to do is to see how Wicked Twister goes with its surronding area at the point.  After looking at the artists rendition of Wicked Twister with the Ferris Wheel in front of it I think the color scheme works beautifully in that area.  All the colors seem to compliment each other. 

Just wait till next year!

You guys have to remember that CP was prolly thinking about the GP when they brainstormed about the coaster and its features.  Do you honestly think that they give a damn if some other SF park a few hundred miles away has the same paint scheme?  Besides, half of the hicks (no offense) in Ohio(I live there) have even travelled outside of Ohio, much less to some other amusement park besides SFWoA, CP, or KI?  Parks don't care what just enthusists want, only what e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e wants.  I think some of you people should have known that by now.

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