Why was Steel Phantom taken down at Kennywood?

Why was this ride taken down??
Roughness, low ridership, time for a new ride, (minor lack of space).

JFRice82, you must be new to this site.

Chitowns 6 year old daughter says "Daddy, Dippin Dots are nasty!!" I must say that I agree!!
Steel Phantom was a great ride but it was also very rough and began to lose it's popularity after almost 10 years of operation. Kennywood has to make the most of it's limited space so they decided to remove most of the Steel Phantom to make way for Phantom's Revenge.

I'd walk through hell in a gasoline suit to keep riding roller coasters
And apparently, it's one of the best moves the park has ever made. It gets great reviews (I'm talking "New #1"-calibur reviews) and seems to be a hit with the general public.

But I still haven't ridden it! UGH!

Matt Lynch, July 15 at the latest...
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
Lack of space available at Kennywood.
A small price for the park to refurbish the old coaster than build a brand new one.

Lynch said:
"And apparently, it's one of the best moves the park has ever made. It gets great reviews (I'm talking "New #1"-calibur reviews) and seems to be a hit with the general public.

Yeah by everyone whose home park is Kennywood!

Give me S:ROS, Nitro, or Millennium Force any day!

Parks done 2001: BPB, PKI, SFWOA, CP, KW, HP, DP, Knoebels, Astroland, SFGAdv, SFNE, SFA, LC, Moreys Pier, PKD, PCW, BGW, DMP.
Yeah, the PR reviews have been the most positive of all the steel coasters this year.

The day that I spend more time analyzing the rides than screaming my head off like a moron is the day that I hope someone will kick my in the love sausage and tell me not to be a moron. - Jeff
To be honest with you, Grant, I've heard very few negative reviews, and the ones that I have heard have been from people who live in Pittsburgh...

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
I live about an hour away from the park, and PR is better than Magnum for sure. It doesn't quite get Millie, but it's close :)

The Pens will win the Stanley Cup in 2002!

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