Was it designed that way initially when it ran more trains?
I was ready to catch a nap until we crested the hill. :)
My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.
The nite ride was slow the whoel time, however
It moves slow because its more conforting to guests to move slow rather than just stop on the hill.
And as a final reason, brakes. Brakes add onto your crawl time.
I'll be sure to bring some depends and old matlock tapes to PPP fer ya!
Tina, its 5am. What are you doing up for christ's sake?!?;)
On the other hand, what are you doing up at this time young man?
-Jim ;)
I'm sure you could find your way to welch this early in the morning...
If you watch the ride operate the lift will speed up after the downtrack train clears lift #2. It will slow down again just before the top of the lift (every time) for whatever reason, however.
On Rattler, the speed over the top is controled based on the previous ride times. I'm not sure if Rattler's control is manual or automatic. This could also of course be done based on a speed sensor.
And yes MF does to the speed up thing, and it's already going fast to begin with and then you are hauled over the top.
With 2 trains running, the ride blocking system is this: If the station is occupied and the other train enters the brake (its uses skid brakes), the ride sets up and shuts down. So, to allow for guest molasses (the kind that sits in the train, realise they'll lose their stuff and then take all their time, standing up and stowing all their stuff in their belt pouch. They then sit down, realise its won't fit and then struggle to remove it while still sitting!), the train leaves the station while the other train is in the helix, engage on the lift and then... the lift slows to a crawl. Until its get 3/4 up, then its speeds up a lot to get the ride to the proper speed for the ride. By the time its speeds up, the other train is already ready to dispatch.
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