Why no new toboggan coasters?

Why are there never any new toboggan coasters such as Space Mountain at Disney World? I always thought that the closeness of the track and tight turns were a great ride experience, especially if allowed to shine in a longer or taller coaster than what I've seen.
I never really was a fan of these coasters. Like disaster transport,(right??)I just don't think they create a great ride experience, that is only my opinion though. I do not know why tere aren't any new ones though.
Space Mountain isn't a tobaggon coaster, the Matterhorn at Disneyland is however. I think there's a huge new tobaggon one opening at Parc Asterix in France
Je ne sais pas aller a Frances!

There's nothing like a woodie...
Hay Woody.... I speak French and there are a few mistakes!!
Should be

"Je ne sais pas. Alles-tu a frances!"

Sorry I get corrected all the time in Franch class and I was really correcting the mistaks I used to make! NO offence!.. NOw I feel bad :(
Sousa129 :)

Laser Quest member:

*** This post was edited by Sousa129 on 5/16/2000. *** *** This post was edited by Sousa129 on 5/16/2000. ***
Anyways Napoleon, I'M NOT GOING TO FRANCE!!!
Is that better?? Funny as hell, though. I tried, but it's been 10 years. I can't believe that I knew the verb for 'to go', (aller). That's shocked my cerebellum!!

There's nothing like a woodie...
By the way, what do you mean "Tobaggon" Coaster. Is it like Disaster Transport with long trains like in RCT or are you talking about Space Mountain type, or Matterhorn type??? What is the difference?? Somebody please set this horrible French student straight!!!?!?!?! Thanks to all of the Joan of Arcs and Napoleon Bonapartes out there who do...

There's nothing like a woodie...
I was always under the impression that a toboggan coaster was a short train coaster where riders sit in one row on a much narrower track, while also riding closer to the track. Am I correct? My main example would be Space Mountain in Florida.
I Stand corrected... Andy..... Like I said before.. still getting correceted... hehe thanks!!!

Sousa129 :)

Laser Quest member:
Earnhardt2 *** This post was edited by Sousa129 on 5/16/2000. ***
Jacob, a tobaggon coaster is like Disaster Transport at CP or the Matterhorn at Disneyland. Basically the only real track is the lift hill, the rest of the tracks are like...half tubes sort of where the trains can move freely, like the tobaggon event at the olympics.
Disaster Transport and PKD's Avalanche are bobsled coasters. Is there a difference between bobsled and toboggan coasters?

I always thought the Mack version (PKD Avalanche) would have been installed in more parks since it is much better than the Intamin version.

I don't know really why. However disaster transport is not really rated to high up there. They may not be liked. Well that probably is the case. they may offer no thrills. DT does not offer thrills. They probably are not a coaster that can draw large crowds and deliver a heck of a thrill. That is my guess, I may be wrong. I really don't see other parks adding a bobsled or tobaggen to counter CP putting in a 310 foot monster. But i feel like i just came out of french class.

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CP Arrival Time: 5:50

Whose Line is it Anyway?
Maybe our fearless leader can set us straight...

Jeff or anyone that knows for that matter, what is the difference between a Bobsled coaster and a tobaggon type coaster??

My impression:
Avalanche/ Disaster Transport = Bobsled
Space Mountain = Tobaggon

Is this correct?

There's nothing like a woodie... *** This post was edited by Woody on 5/16/2000. ***
Jeff's avatar
Perhaps we should master spelling and grammar in English before we tackle another language, eh? Toboggan, offense, mistakes, there/their/they're... keep a dictionary close by and check what you type before you submit. Even I keep that little book close by and I have a degree in English.

I don't know if there's a difference, and I don't remember Space Mountain (Magic Kingdom) but I thought it was normal track.

I think the Mack version that WPM mentioned is also installed at Blackpool in the UK.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
Space Mountain and the Matterhorn are both normal tubular steel tracked coasters. The Matterhorn was the very first steel tracked coaster ever built back in the late-50's by Arrow Development. I don't know who built Space Mountain, but I do know that it is a normal steel tracked coaster.

Disaster Transport, La Vibora (Formerly Avalanche) at SFoT, and all the other mentioned, are, to me, bobsled coasters. I guess that's what is meant by a toboggan coaster?
Alright, since I've proven my ignorance, here's a new question. Why don't we see any more short trained coasters as I've described with the narrower track and single file seating. Space Mountain was always fun to me because it felt like you were more involved in what was going on. I'd love to see a 100 ft. version of something like that, but nobody makes them at all anymore, do they?
Jeff's avatar
"Why don't we see any more short trained coasters as I've described with the narrower track and single file seating."

In a word: Capacity.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
Actually there are quite a few "toboggan" type coaster out there, just about all of them built by the master Swartzkopf. The Jet Stars, Jumbo Jets, City Jets, Jet Star II's, etc., and one last remaining Speedracer in the states, Whizzer at SFGAM.

As for trackless coasters, ride the wild Avalache at PKD for the absolute best "bobsled" type coaster around. Easily blows away Disaster Transport and all the others. Shame it's the only Mack trackless coaster in the states.
I loved the Jet Star at Knoebels before it went to Mooreys Pier for the crappy Whirlwind. I think its could have been to operator error for lack of new models. The ride ops had to send each car at the right time or the safteys would kick in and everyone would stop at the block brakes. Having 10 cars or so to watch would take full attention all the time. The Jet Star had several seftey brakes along the track. I imangine now computers could control everything. Also when at Knoebels there were no seat belts or harnesses in the cars. There was nothing to hold you in except the side bars! I thought it was a fun ride for its size. I'd love to see taller versions even if it had lapbars and seat belts.

Parks hit for 2000!
Ok, so what we are saying is that a TOBOGGAN coaster is one without track? The only track is the lift? Space Mountain is steel, but these questions and comments were confusing. Thanks for clearing it up.

There's nothing like a woodie...

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