Why is Intamin Hated So Much

I am responding to a Recent Topic that Said "Why Giovanoli" Well in that topic alot of Intamin Bashing went around. I just want to say that f you have ever been to The Mountain then you know that Goliath has some real Breakdown Problems. I have counted 20 last year. I would also like to say that i think intamin has realized they have a problem with their Lift hills and Thats why i think all the new Hyper will have Elevator Lifts.
I don't hate Intamin!!!
Who hates Intamin? I certainly don't.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
I think some people are referring to Intamin's older coasters. There newer coasters are some of the best out there. I'd would take a newer Intamin coaster over a B&M any day.

2 for 1 in 2001:SFGAm all the way!!
2002:CPs year 2 rule!
janfrederick's avatar
Intamin has always pushed the boundaries. We'd still be riding corkscrews if it weren't fer 'em!

Decisions determine destiny; Destiny determines decisions.
I don't know what you are talking aboot. The most beloved coasters on the Buzz now is a race between The Force and SupermanSFNE.
"The end of endings is coming," PHILMORE - Our Finest Hour
Yeah, I was arguing for Intamin in that post... Even though some did bash them for their so called "reliablility problems", I really don't think ANYONE here hates Intamin, or any other coaster manufacturer for that matter. I think it was just a good discussion about coasters, and they happened to be talking about Intamin, and they happened to be talking about the cons instead of the pros.

I'd Rather Be Riding Rollercoasters
Janfrederick is right. I haven't been on an Intamin that I didn't like. From wooden giants like the American Eagle, to shuttles like Montezooma's Revenge, to hypers like SROS, to bobsleds like Disater Transport, to terrain loopers like Sooperdooperlooper, to inverts like S:UE, to the new California Screamin', I love em'! You can't beat the smoothness and beautiful layouts found in both Intamin and Schwarzkopf designs. They are just plain fun.
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I do not hate Intamin coasters though I was not overly impressed with Darien Lake's SROS. I do like the trains, especially MF's (I felt a little cramped in SROS' trains), and they are smooth coasters.

And SUE was a surprise. Not much to the ride but it is so much fun despite the low capacity. You guys who haven't been on it but are getting V2 will know what I mean.

I look forward to riding more from them in the future.

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Jeff's avatar
I don't think anyone hates Intamin, as Punk said, The Force and New England's Superman are among the most beloved coasters around here. Look at the nominees for the Coasters' Choice Awards.

It is interesting that we forget about some of the problematic rides of their past. The bobsled coasters were never very fabulous and the first generation freefalls are apparently a maintenance nightmare.

On the other hand, they sure do have a lot of successful river rapid rides.

I get the strong impression that they've really pushed their coaster design efforts in the last few years. The Supermen, The Force and the Impulse coasters have all been very well received, ditto for Volcano.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
I don't hate Intamin. SROS@SFNE is the best.
I don't hate Intamin at all. It's one of the best engineering companies of all time. Look at that slick elevator lift system that MF uses. I also adore Intamin's trains. The seats are so low and you feel so vulnerable.
I haven't been on an Intamin yet.
Intamin is not my strong point, because most of their coasters are in Six Flag Parks, and I have only visited one Six Flag Park(SFDL and it sucked!). Thanks to the S:ROS at that park, I figured out that if I was to ride another ride like that, I'd be displeased and frustrated. Otherwise, SFDL's S:ROS sucked IMO and I will NEVER ride another Intamin coaster, period.

Talon is going to rock, roll, and take its toll!
Have you forgotten S:TE!? That is one of the funnest(and scariest) coasters out there! You go 100MPH in 7 seconds!
I think people see The bobsled coasters, Flashback[SFMM] and Batman the Escape, and they see the name Intamin attached to them. Think of this, B&M designed B:TE and Flashback....Well I think Intamin would be the best coaster designer out there if they had more of them. They are preety much an overerall ride designer! Hell they have designed a few woodies!

The bottom line is: I think people get mad because us buzzers go to ride there amazing scream machines and they break! There main competetion
B&M just flat out don'!
john peck's avatar
I don't think I have ever heard Intamin and Hate in the same sentence before

BTW, Jeff, The 1st generation freefalls are built by Giovanola and SOLD by Intamin
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janfrederick's avatar
Man K-Walk! How could you say you would NEVER ride a coaster you haven't riden yet because you had a bad experience (if that's really possible) on a different coaster by the same manufacturer? Each coaster is unique. Crazy!

Decisions determine destiny; Destiny determines decisions.
Intamin rocks!! Hell each company rocks in their own way!!

janfrederick said:
"Man K-Walk! How could you say you would NEVER ride a coaster you haven't riden yet because you had a bad experience (if that's really possible) on a different coaster by the same manufacturer? Each coaster is unique. Crazy!

Decisions determine destiny; Destiny determines decisions."

I think he was joking. At least i hope he was. Either that, or he is 13 years old.
Don't touch the watch.

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