Why havent we seen many coasters w/ more than 8

Why havent weve seen many coasters w/ more than 7 or 8 inversions?
Designers know inversions don't make a great ride, a great ride makes a great ride. I myself am happy that not many (if any) mega loopers have been built in recent years.

Cyclops. 1900 feet of CCI goodness.
Do you think Thorpe Park can handle the 10 inversion coaster.
I think parks/companies have found much more interesting things to do than have loop after loop. The hyper came, then inverted, LIM launched, etc. With exciting new types in the last 12 years, I think it took a lot of the steam away from the heavy onset of multi-loopers in the 80s.

I think loop after loop get's boring (like the 3 vertical loops in a row on several Arrows) When I read that the Thorpe coaster will have 4 heartline rolls in a row I was wondering why they couldn't do something more imaginative.
- Peabody *** This post was edited by Peabody on 7/4/2001. ***
5 in a row I belive. That has to be boring. identical inversion after inversinon...

Cyclops. 1900 feet of CCI goodness.
Yeah, it may be 5, I don't remember for sure.

Most people never tire of things like multiple airtime hills in a row, but it will be interesting to see how 4 or 5 heartline rolls in a row will go over.
(I hope a few of the rolls reverse direction. If not, I hope that the ride ops have big mops for the station floor!)
- Peabody
Talk about cheap and boring... Anyone can put four or five inversions in a row, it takes a REAL designer to make it a good ride and be creative.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
Also, inversions can take a lot of momentum away from the ride (depending on how they're constructed), meaning you'd have to have a longer initial drop or have the ride staged (200 foot lift, 1st drop 100, 3-4 inversions, more dropping...) in order to keep the pace. While I love a lot of inversions, I prefer a great ride - inversions, speed, direction changes, airtime, sheer drops, swooping curves... The whole bit!

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
i think they dont do it that much because there arent that many inversions invented yet. and if you have inversion after inversion like thorpe park is planning with the 5 barrel rolls it might get pretty boring. but still a good thrill you need to be creative about it like B&M did with Dragon Khan pretty much all different inversions all in different spots not in one long row like the barrel rolls will be
Am I the only person here who believes that multiple loops in a row on Arrow mega-loopers don't get boring? I think that the three vertical loops on Shockwave at SFGAm are awesome...they just keep getting more and more intense..and by the end you're seeing spots. Throw in that hard turn into the brakes and you are feeling dizzy sitting atop the midcourse breaks. I really liked that part of the ride.


Signature Under Construction: More Thrills Coming in 2002!
I think that Viper at SFMM is a well designed ride. I think that mostly, designers have focused on different types of new coasters rather than dwelling on the megalooper. You still see them being built somewhat, but just not as much.

"Clear, Dispatch"

MooreOn said:
"Am I the only person here who believes that multiple loops in a row on Arrow mega-loopers don't get boring? I think that the three vertical loops on Shockwave at SFGAm are awesome...they just keep getting more and more intense..and by the end you're seeing spots. Throw in that hard turn into the brakes and you are feeling dizzy sitting atop the midcourse breaks. I really liked that part of the ride.


Signature Under Construction: More Thrills Coming in 2002!

I couldnt agree with you more. The triple loop sequence on Shockwave, especially in the front, gives you an "almost" blackout sensation. You are whipping through those loops at high speeds and since they are straight vertical loops, you arent getting the headbanging (at least not during that part of the ride).
Chitowns 6 year old daughter says "Daddy, Dippin Dots are nasty!!" I must say that I agree!!
Atlantis @ Thorpe looks like its going to be a nasty ride experience, I love coasters, but get sick easily on spin'n'spews. Not sure how to class this ride!!!
Inversions are nice if they have some pacing between them. The B and M interlocking corkscrews with a turn in between is a good example. It really flows and keeps the ride interesting.
I'm glad that most designers have gotten past this horrendous 80's designing philosophy...I truly feel that the 90's and so far the 00's have been the golden era of Coasters not just because of the numbers being built but because of the variety of machines, woe to the enthusiast in the 80's who was lucky to get a new ride every 5 years and if they did it would likely be one of these monstrocities. I *do* like the smooth intensity of several of the common B&M elements like the interlocking corkscrews but I also find myself hoping they can come up with some new tricks as well, their last couple of designs (particularly floorless) have been a little too "cookie cutter" for my tastes. The new flyer being put in at Alton sounds very nice though!


SRM 2001: No Lights, No Brakes, No Bell???
I cant believe this conversation is going on again, About How Thorpe's 10 looper will be a Horrible Ride because of 5 inlines in a row, Be Boring, And a cheap way of getting the record.

I think you are all being a bit stupid and unfair, How on earth can you judge a ride when it hasnt even been built yet and wont be for another 9 months, I know that 5 Inlines in a row might be Boring, but you still have to give the ride a chance, Just wait until its been built and Reviews for it start to come in. For all you know, The Ride might actually be a Pleasent Experience, and give out a good ride, Lets just wait shall we.

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