Why do you think Six Flag parks need metal detecto

Why do you think Six Flag Parks need metal detectors? Ive been to wdw/universal studios florida/BGW and those parks do very well without the need for any metal detectors and ive had no problems in those parks. At the Six Flags parks ive been too i have had to go thru metal detectors and yet the behavior of some of the patrons is awful-profane language/line jumping etc. Does Six flag parks need metal detectors due to the young crowd it attracts or due to its pricing structure it attracts a more low life element? If Six Flags trusted it patrons it wouldnt need metal detectors would it? What do you think of this topic?
Their insurance company requires them at all parks that achieve a certain attendance level. Period.
Pray tell, how does their pricing structure attract a more low life element?

Why would there insurance require metal detectors yet other parks dont have them? And why not before you enter the parking lot as anything can happen in the parking lot and they would also be sued for that wouldnt they? Six Flags parks from what ive seen offer alot of coupon deals which makes admission alot cheaper than lets say wdw which doesnt have to resort to that, also annual passes arent that expensive,escpecially if you go often. Six flags parks dont have a family atmosphere in my opinion and ive not seen much enforcement of there rules towards bad language/line jumping etc. Ive just seen too many groups of teenagers running amok with little security around and when you mention it too them they just blow you off so i believe the attitude they display makes it known to the teenagers who act that way there behaviour will be tolerated. Why have signs saying line jumping isnt allowed then not punish violators of the policy when pointed out to them by patrons of the parks.
1. You write in really long sentences, which make my brain hurt.

2. Your elitism really bothers me. Amusement parks are for everyone, not just for the people that can afford $50 a ticket. Would you really want SF to raise prices just to keep people of a lower economic status out? That is really wrong, dude.


Disney does have metal detectors, they just are not visible like at Six Flags. As for why they are there, its to keep people from bringing in knives/guns in to the park so people like yourself don't get hurt.
Hi, my name is Eric, and I am a coaster junkie.

ya! were i live near sfa they need metal detectors!!!!! (its outside of washington and near Baltimore) I rest my case.
up with spongebob sqaurepants!
They need them because bad people bring bad weapons that can to bad things to good people at good parks!
If FoF got that great of a makeover than why can't I?

Apollos Chariot said:
"They need them because bad people bring bad weapons that can to bad things to good people at good parks!
If FoF got that great of a makeover than why can't I?"

Good one Appollos Chariot! But in a more serious note, look at school shootings, ect. Nough said.

2 for 1 in 2001! SFGAm baby!
Webmaster:SFGAm 2001
It's obviously not a factor of "trust," it's called safety which is clearly #1 on the park's priority list.

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
I think that inexpensive season passes have something to do with this as well. When most people go to WDW or Universal they are on vacation with their families and are trying to see the park because they have a very limited amount of time to see everything. I know Geauga Lake had become a babysitting service for teenagers when their parents went to work so the children got bored. When they get bored they cause trouble. It's that simple. The local clientel nature of regional theme parks warants the installation of metal detectors at some SF parks.
I had a brief debate with such person posting this topic and I must say he needs to get a clue. Metal Detectors are for safety, no more, no less. It has nothing to do with pricing, teenagers, etc, etc. If you think that a certain age group caused the creation of metal detectors then you really need to be educated. End of story.


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