Who's going to Coaster Con XXVII?

So who all is going to Coaster Con XXVII at Cedar Point and Geauga lake? I am not going since I live right by GL and been there so many times. I kinda do wish I;m going because Con is so much fun! So who is going?

#1 Steel-Nitro #1 Wood-Shivering Timbers 137 coasters in track record.
I'll be at coastercon!

Learn to live.
I'll be there. It will be my first visit to CP! :-)


Kevin Knapp, Colorado Springs, kknappcyclone@aceonline.org
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Ride of Steel's avatar
How big of an affect does it generally have on crouds? I'll be there on Wednesday night Thursday and Friday of that week. Hope its not too bad. Can't wait!

Are certain rides closed to the public?

Jeff's avatar
No one would notice even a thousand extra people there in June.


Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Closed topic.

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