Who is working at a park this season?

Is anyone going to work at a park this season.  I just got hired today at SFEG as a ride operator.  If anyone is working there than it would be cool to know who you are.  But just out of curiosity, who is working at a park next year,  what park, and what area is it in?
"If somebody throws a rock and knocks a man off his donkey, do we say that he's stoned off his ass?
Well, I'm working down at PGA this season. My title is "Rides Lead". So I'll be a ride operator plus I'll be in charge of a scheduling breaks and such in my assigned area. The job sounds like fun. I'm just looking forward to all the nice people I'll meet this upcoming season. :)

Great American Thrills! Your unofficial guide to PGA!

This will be my 8th year working at Valleyfair. I realy like working out there. The past few years I have made a lot of friends. This year I will be in the security department 4th year working the night shift so I will be with Valleyfair for a few years hopefuly something big next year 2003!
Wild Thing: 75Laps! Power Tower: 73 Rides. Valleyair Security 2002! 8Years Working at Valleyfair! 35Days till BGW & Kings Dominion Opening Weekends 1st trip of 2002!!

*** This post was edited by The Beast on 2/17/2002. ***

I'm working at SFOG this year, next to SUF at the Great American Scream Machine.  I'm the foreman at GASM, which the the same thing as a lead/team leader elsewhere.  Last season I worked for SFOG on the railroad, which is by far the hardest ride in the park to operate.   Also I have worked at the Mindbender, FreeFall, Log Flume, Scorcher, and Batman.

*** This post was edited by MisterX on 2/17/2002. ***

Third year at valleyfair. I'll be working in the rides department, but not as a ride operator. or at least my title doesn't say that i'm a ride operator. i worked the antique autos last year, and although it's not the most thrilling ride, it has definitely been one of my favorite rides to operate simply because it's laid back and there's a lot more interaction with guests. when the guests know they can't ruin the car, they seem to be more at ease and are more willing to have more fun. and it's a lot easier to deal with families because they're so attentive. but that can't be said all the time.
3rd yr vf!er
I'm back at sfgadv this year, can't wait till march 29'th.
Second season at SFGAm as a Ride Op. 

Ride Op-SFGAm
Certified on: Roaring Rapids, Loggers Run/Ice Mountain Splash, Batman The Ride, V2, and Deja Vu.

This is my first year at Cedar Point. I work at the Raptor Hot Shots Booth. Be sure and pose a good picture!

Force Laps: 424
Wicked Twists: ???
VertiGo Shots: 32

I'll be at SFEG this year. I thought rides department interviews were on Tuesdays and Thurdays.
It ain't Oprah 'til it's Oprah
rollergator's avatar
...just a note, please talk to your fellow employees about "stapling".  I know some may be trained to push down on the restraints, and we ALWAYS prefer ride-ops who PULL on the lap bars, but there's a not-so-fine line between safety and discomfort.
Florida needs an Intamin and/or CCI soon...PLEASE!
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!
This is my third year at Hersheypark as a ride op.  not sure what part of the park that i'm in yet though. 
Im still a ride op/lead at the Park at MGM Grand....too bad its only for private parties. oh well.
Kennywood apparently has later interviews than the other parks so i guess we will find out eventually.
Yea, you got it this is the infamous Token from the worlds greatest, KPU.
Hopefully I will be at Cedar Point for a 3rd year. 
That all sounds cool,

 i will be working my 2nd year at SFWoA. I am the real funny looking guy on Batman Knight Flight. If you can stop by, i would to chat with any of you in persoin.

Cedar point, where else will you find 15 great coasters! NYankees1325, someone IM plese, i need to talk to someone bout coasters!

I might be working at SFEG or Lakeside, I have been thinking about it.  My mom keeps on pressuring me to get a job.  Since I just turned 15 the options for a job increase more. 
I'll be at DP for my second year as an ride op on Steel Force
Im working under MisterX at GASM at SFoG. Gonna be cool to have 2 coaster enthuasiasts workin one ride.
6th year @ vf... gonna be my 2nd year as a mass babysitter/policy enforcer/smackdown giver aka security... party on
I'll be returning to Paramount's Kings Island this season for my second season. I will be working as a rides associate on Flight of Fear/Zephyr.

Can't wait until the season starts!


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