Who Doesn't eat park food because...

I personally don't mind working around food. Sure, some places, some crews, & the resteraunt becomes a freak attraction of its' own. Everybody knows those places where you should only get a drink.......and only if it comes in a bottle.

Funnels cakes, brown sugar, & butter, I've always wanted to try a funnel cake with choclate syrup, I always chicken out, though. Anybody try those?

.....and WTH is up with Corn-on-a-Stick? I remember seeing those at a few parks & carnfairs. Corn on the cob belongs with a home cooked meal, it's not a tastey treat just because they stick a stick in it. Do they do something to it? Am I missing out, or is it just what it is?

Pete's avatar

Mark W. Baruth said:

I believe it's "liederhosen," with "lieder" being German for "songs." I guess I did learn something in music school.

I believe it's leaderhosen, which means "leather pants". Never heard of musical pants, though lieder is the German word for songs.

stoogemanmoe's avatar
We went to SFGRAm last year, got in line for the burger place in Orleans, and this kid that was serving was running his hands thru his hair where the food was being served. It really really grossed me out. That was a total turn off from park food until came upon the Crazy Buffolo in Southwest Scaritory, then I saw it was all you can eat and I been hooked on that place ever since.

Beer, my soon to be wife, coasters, and the FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Is this a great country or what!!

Pete said:

Mark W. Baruth said:

I believe it's "liederhosen," with "lieder" being German for "songs." I guess I did learn something in music school.

I believe it's leaderhosen, which means "leather pants". Never heard of musical pants, though lieder is the German word for songs.

Actually, to clear it all up, it's Lederhosen.

I'm surprised none of you healthy types have mentioned protein bars. I take a couple of these in parks w/ me. I still usually eat one meal (either in or out of the park), but the bars allow me to skip one meal. They're quick and don't fill your stomach before getting on wild rides. I like Pure Protein. Cheap at Sam's Club in a box of ~10 bars.

Well, as a diabetic, the "protein bars" actually aren't that good for me (they key to really controlling diabetes is balance, in spite of what Dr Atkins and others try to preach). So if I'm going to eat something that's not good for me at a park, it may as well be junk food to capture the full experience :)

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Here's what I do when visiting a big corporate park. I own a camel back that can hold three liters of water and keep it somewhat cool. I take one of those with me and it's a fast solution for any thirst. It also can hold a decent amount of other things. I usually take a bag of pemican beef jerky or two along to satisfy any hunger along with some M&M's. This will usually take care of all of my needs, but if I do need food I always go for a hot dog, can't go wrong there. Finally, I ALWAYS get a funnel cake, regardless of price. But that's usually at the end of the day, after I'm done with the rides and just taking in the evening atmosphere. Call me what you will but some water and some beef jerky are all I need for a full day at the park (and of course the funnel cake).
Most protein bars taste worse than the park food does.
Hmmph. Well I like the protein bars I get. :) Some are not good, no.

GregLeg, how are they bad for diabetics? I'm hypoglycemic so I tend to watch what I eat. I know it's different (but similar) from diabetes, but protein bars never caused me problems. Especially not as bad for ya as fried and/or simple refined/processed foods w/ lots of additives.

Anyway, I'm definately gonna try some of the BGW food if I make it there this spring. ;)

Danny1985 said:
too greasy/unhealthy?

That's why I DO eat it.

One big problem with high protein diets for insulin-dependent (Type I) diabetics is the strain it puts on the kidneys. The pro-high-protein camp will (correctly) point out that low carb intake == low insulin requirments and low blood sugar, BUT they completely miss that most ID diabetics already have a lot of strain on their kidneys, and in fact should be looking at LOW protein diets to protect their kidneys.

The situation is different for Type II (non-insulin-dependent) diabetics. That's a very different disease that happens to share a name with us Type I's. For many of them, a low carb, higher protein diet, isn't all that bad, within reason.

The protein bar suggestion IS a good one, I was just commenting that as one of those "eats healthier" types, it's an option I'd rather not pursue :)

"Are you justified in taking life to save life?" -- The Great Debate, Dream Theater
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I never eat food at parks because you end up standing in line for an hour. for the price of a hotdog you can buy a whole pack plus the buns. I always eat breakfast before I go than bring a cooler with food and a little gas grill. Go out to car eat lunch and dinner in air condition comfort. Unless I go to my home park Lake Compounce I go home since I only live 10 mins. away Happy Coastering! Ajrides
Same with me I eat the food at VF because I have been with the department for five seasons(not including this one) and I know how well most of our employees take care of buisness. The only one of our products I will not eat are the Funnel Cakes because they are no longer hand made but come pre-manufactured and frozen in a box from J&J Snack Foods of Pennsylvani***

*** This post was edited by myst2234 on 4/9/2002. ***

Well, it does help[ to know where to eat at certain parks. The barbecue is almost alway edible, and burgers tend to be the bottom of the barrel, litteraly. Most of the time you get what you pay for in quality.

Busch and the independants definately have the best food by far. Six Flags and Cedar Fair tend to be the bottom dwellers alot of the time. :\

Ready to spring into a new coaster season! :)

I always thought that SFWoA had good bbq chicken. Plus it was at a "reasonable" price. Too bad I can't eat it now. I am trying to change the way I eat in order to loose some wieght. I think that eating right and being healthy for a lifetime is a better pay-off than enjoying some french fries that only last a couple of minutes.

There is NoLimit when it comes to Roller Coasters.
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*** This post was edited by NoLimitChic on 4/10/2002. ***

The full service restaurants at Orlando parks are better than most gourmet restuarants in large metropolitian cities. Especially the food at Epcot and IOA, best places to eat amusement park-wise. Nothing like eating some delectable food from Mythos (in Lost Continent) especially their dessert pastries and then getting dozen of late night spins on Fire DD.

In genuflect, the food experience at orlando parks is so quality that my taste cannot stand the average amusement park food. Yeah, I am a snobbish, pretenious bastard:) but food is important to me.

One trend in the food aspect of parks that I greatly appreciate is the addition of the "Subway" chain to CF parks. Subway has to be one of my favorite fast food chains. (I dispise most other fast food places with passion especially the diaherra inducing ones like Taco Bell) Subway's food provides some healthy &natural food without sacrificing the taste.

BTW, the Gators in the final four???? Wow, you guys must have had some awful brackets, I wish I was in your pool. I had the gators out in the first round but unfortunately did not have the terps winning it all.


sethman said:

One trend in the food aspect of parks that I greatly appreciate is the addition of the "Subway" chain to CF parks. Subway has to be one of my favorite fast food chains. (I dispise most other fast food places with passion especially the diaherra inducing ones like Taco Bell) Subway's food provides some healthy &natural food without sacrificing the taste.

Since when has Valleyfair had a subway is this only at CP or the others as well but it has never been a part as VF as far as I know

2002 Sixth season in VF Foods!!!!

I hurl just looking at Great America's prices!
Brad Sherman
"I'm not paying that much for a free water from Drink Stall 1!"
Model coasters and rides
john peck's avatar
I wound up eating an Elephant ear at the zoo last week.....I guess he wasn't too happy.
I usualy dont eat alot at parks because it can get expenssive. I usualy get a snack or something to drink every once in a while.

Valleyair Security 2002! 8Years Working at Valleyfair :)! GOPHERS Mens Hockey Champs NCCA 2002!!

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