"Whipper Snapper" from National Lampoon's Vacation

What roller coaster was that in the Chevy Chase classic? And which park was it located at?
It was magic mountain i dont know the coasters that where in there.
There was Revolution, Colossus, and Gold Rusher (I think).

Shut up when I'm talking to you!"- Linkin Park
If I'm not mistaken the "Whipper Snapper" is SFMM's Revolution.

X Factor
SFWoA: An Unofficial Guide
they went on the Screamy Mimi (Colossus) first, then they went on the Whipper Snapper (Revolution) second.
And with lap bars too! The track looks very thin in the film, good ol' Schwarzkopf...

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.
Thanks guys. I was thinking it was SFMM, but I wasn't sure. :o)
The Revolution was the "Loop the Loop". Whipper Snapper was some sort if flat ride, like the scrambler or something.
I thought that the 'Whipper Snapper' was Colossus?

Blast Coaster - http://coasternet.danimation.com - COASTERnet IV - It's Finally Here!
i have the movie, im right...believe me

"Ahh Beer. My one weakness. My Achilles heel, if you will" - Homer Simpson
"Whoooa, that's hot. There isn't a man alive who wouldn't get turned on by that. Well, goodbye!" - Homer Simpson
Whipper Snapper WAS Revolution.

Agent Johnson said:
"The Revolution was the "Loop the Loop". Whipper Snapper was some sort if flat ride, like the scrambler or something."

You are correct.


No Revolution is Whipper Snapper.

Lying requires 2 people.
1 to lie and 1 to listen.
The screaming memie was colossus and the loop the loop was revolution. but then when they got off the loop the loop and they where leaving trou the exit it said whiper snapper. so who knows i gatta see that moive again.
NO!!!! Chevyu Chase said....

"HERE WE GO, LET's DO THE LOOP DE LOOP!" he never says lets go on the loop de loop, remember back in the 70's most people called a loop a loop de loop not an inversion. Revolution is Whipper Snapper and Colossus is Screamie Wemie (watch and listen closely.

ok im off my pedestal now..wheeewww
"ok everyone go ahead and pull down on your shoulder restraint so you feel nice and stuck!"
...And to think...

They drove all the way across the country just to go to that park with like only two coasters??

Man, today most people wouldn't drive more than 50 miles to goto a park unless it has at least THREE good coasters!!

The Great Escape... Soon to become Six Flags Adirondack Escape!!!

Actually, during the 70's, SFMM had another coaster called(damn, forgot the name) but it was taken down in 82 or so because 2 people died on it, Don't think it was in the movie though, only like half the park was.
The SFMM Salvi:
"Goliath Jr. looks to intense for me"
"I want to go on something more exciting than X"
Revolution is whipper snapper.
"Sorry folks, the park is closed. The moose should have told you out front"
====As quoted by the late great John Candy====

Chitowns 6 year old daughter says "Daddy, Dippin Dots are nasty!!" I must say that I agree!!
Whipper Snapper was Revolution, stop arguing :>
It even had the big banner "whipper snapper" over the "Revolution" lettering on the entrance. My senior year english teacher was John Candy's cousin (no, I don't live in Canada). The Revolution is so beautiful in that movie!!!

Ow! My lap bar IS down all the way.

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