Which is better Steel or Wood?

Theres no comparison for each. Steel is smooth. Wood is intense. I love them both and I will not choose a favorite. There is no way I can.
Shawn Bailes
Webmaster of Coasters R Us
I like them both
After riding magnum and millenium I would say steel. But I just rode the phoenix and remembered why I love wood so much.
STEEL ALL THE WAY! I mean what is the point of going on a woodie if you can going on a steel. Steel can do much more, including inversions (even the loop on SOB is Steel), much greater heights, launchs, differednt styles of cars, and I can go on and on on how much better steel is then Wood.
actually wood can do as much as steel they just dont want to take the time to do it.and as for your steel loop on SOB it may be steel but a long time ago they had wooden coasters with loops on them that were wooden.The only reason these closed down was because they did not have proper restraints at the time.This is why on the PKI website at SOB it says the worlds only wooden looping coaster because all of the others dont exist anymore.And please dont argue with me on this one because I have pics of one of the old woodies that had a loop.well that kind of got off subject but the point is that wood can do just as much as a steel rc but coaster designers wont take the time to develop them.Like for instance a stand up woodie. Wouldnt that be cool? And it isnt exactly the hardest thing to accomplish but they just dont take the time to do it.
Yeah, I know what you are talking about, the Flip Flap Railway, but I mean the first safe woodie loop. Plus that stand-up woodie would be pretty hard to design becuase the wood would offer much more of a bumpy ride, and stand-ups are know to be intense. It could be done, but it would be very difficult.

*** This post was edited by coastergenius on 8/8/2000. *** *** This post was edited by coastergenius on 8/10/2000. ***
Soggy's avatar
Coastergenius, what woodies have you been on? Just curious. There are plenty of woodies out there that deliver a better "overall ride" despite the lack of inversions and height. If you have not been on these, give woodies a chance, like The Raven or Shivering Timbers. Also, that's the Flip FlAp Railway.

Funkmaster yak, a standing woodie? I for one, will just say "no thanks."

Gotta ride 'em all!
I for one will say I want it cause it would be the bomb.And a good woodie is a rough woodie so it would just make it better im my opinion if it got rougher.
Smoother the better! Steel is better!
"FEAR the Four"
well I've been on Roar (SFA), THe Wild One (SFA), Rebel Yell (PKD), Scooby Doo Ghost Coaster (Pkd), Rolling Thunder (SFGadv), Hurricane (Myrtle Beach Pavilion Amusment Park)

I consider myself an enthusiast, my friends call me an addict. Either way, I've never heard anything good about Mean Streak, except for my own comments. Sure the braking is excessive, but I thought it was about even with the Beast for the best woodie I've ridden. Hopefully I'll get to compare Colossus or Rampage soon, but most woodies seem to have too short of a track. I thought Roar at SFAmerica was a great ride, but had the same problem. Grizzly at PKD, both Lion and Tiger at BGT, even the Original Coney Island Cyclone and its twin at SFGa- as you can tell, I prefer twister-types over out-and-backs, but wood is still great!
Well all types have differnces wood is supposed to give that runway train kinda feel while steel is supposed more of Sci-fi feel with all its inversions to the more intense the more I like but I would have to say WOOD all the way.
I cant express this enough wood coasters are better why, more intensity, even though they are slower than steel they feel faster than steel, Im kind of sick of some of you spoiled smoothie lovers who cant take REAL COASTERS. Steel coasters are overgrown and not many are good. superman at sfne is an exception ive been on many steelies but they ALWAYS give me an empty experiance.wood coasters ALWAYS have me cheering. www.coastergallery.com best photos on the web.
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