Which coasters first drop pulls your stomach the m

Desperado at Stateline! That ride has an awesome drop.
Another unpopular opinion, but the Demon at SFGAm in the backseat is a total losing the stomach with butterflies experience. IT JUST YANKS YOU!!!!!

""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""
For me:

1. Hypersonic - Back seat
2. JackRabbit - Back seat
3. Raging Bull - Back seat
4. Nitro - Backseat
just about any arrow first drop, baby!


Chitown said:
"Another unpopular opinion, but the Demon at SFGAm in the backseat is a total losing the stomach with butterflies experience. IT JUST YANKS YOU!!!!!"

Actually, I find many of the Arrow first drops to be more gut-wrenching than some of the newer coasters. The Orient Express, which I guess you could call a close relative of the Demon, has an extremely gut-wrenching first drop. It seems to me like the Arrow coasters' drops get steeper more rapidly than some of the others. Wildfire at SDC really caught me off guard this year. B&M has created some pretty lackluster and utilitarian drops in the past, but Wildfire just absolutely rips you up off of your seat and throws you into the restraints when riding in the back.

I guess that the whole "lose-your-stomach" thing can be looked at in two different ways, magnitude or longevity. The hypers I have ridden--Goliath, Magnum, and Mamba--all give you that strange "stomach-in-throat" feeling to a lesser degree than, say Wildfire, but they do it for a longer distance and a greater time. Which is better; I don't honestly know which I prefer. Maybe some of the beemer hypers give you the best of both worlds. Hopefully I will know someday when I get to ride one *sigh*.

Mamba--One of the Tallest, Longest, Fastest Roller Coasters in the World

Adam Rentchler
Goliath has an awful first drop into the tunnel lots of airtime too....
Oblivion has unbelievable first drop. Also great is the one of Colossos and Tonnere de Zeus, but I expect that the new Intamin hyper@Holiday Park, "Expedition Ge-Force" will beat all records
The Raptor does it to me everytime. Back seat, far left. (right works too) You get flung over the top really fast. It's great!

Shawn Bailes
110 Drumline
Actually the coaster that does the most damage to my stomach and really the only one that gives that whoa! feeling is DEMON at SFGAM. I absolutely love the first drop on that coaster.


The Dragon Fire, Wild Beast, and Millenium Force..
I personally like the first drop on Raptor, its not extremely high, but the feel of an inverted first drop is way different.
Raging Bull back seat gives you the most of that feeling, but any other row is good too.
I've spent a lot of time in the back seat of the LOCH NESS MONSTER, and for some reason I still can't seem to adapt. That ride still kicks my !@#!!!

I wish the Lincoln Park COMET was still in operation, those old "parabolic" drops were great!!!
I have to agree with the Arrow people on this one. I contend that Demon has the best first drop of any coaster at SFGAm. Ok, I'm not crazy, Raging Bull is notwithstanding.

Demon gets a lot of speed going, and then just yanks you down. In the back seat it IS possible to hop before the drop and have yourself pinned to the OTSRs all the way down. Your butt doesn't even touch the seat. Kinda hard to do with a lap bar.

Gemini has an incredibly straight first drop. There's not much of a pull-out or pull-in (for that matter.) It's basically a straight freefall.

Also, for the sleeper category, California Screamin has a respectable first drop. The drop after the launch, NOT the lift. Especially in the back or front. You get a lot of speed going (well, duh) rocket up the tunnel, and at the top, you're still speeding over a tight hill, which makes for some good airtime in both extreme seats.

It's coming...
Batman Knight Flight
Steel Phantom/Phantom's Revenge
Superman: Ride of Steel @ Six Flags New England.
Pepsi max, back seat, i 5think my stomachs s5till up 5there........
Colosus Backwards during Fright Fest

the return of Intaminrocks

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