If you could relocate some of your favorite coasters, what other park(s) would you think they would fit well? For example, I think Phantom's Revenge would go well on some of the hills in SFOG.
I would keep it where it's at.
The bigger they are, the harder they brake
I'd like the raven to be in my back yard! Oh man I could ride it all the time, that would be pure awsomeness! Dude!
I'd put Steel Dragon 2000 on top of the Stratoshpere.
Dragster's top hat over top of Millennium Force's lift hill crest ...
And an inverted the size of say Talon inside Mean Streak (or any other giant wooden coaster with a large infield)
Brett, Resident Launch Whore
Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
Nice Vater! Just extend that last bunny hill down to the ground for a 700 foot drop into the final brakes ;)
Real Cbuzz quote of the day -
"The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
I think Cornball Express would fit in Camp Snoopy at the MoA. That would be awesome to have here to ride anytime. It would also be nice to have Shivering Timbers at Valleyfair, but they would probably trim it.
Hmm...that's an interesting idea. I wonder if a woodie would be too loud in the mall?
Real Cbuzz quote of the day -
"The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
The Shy One said:
I would keep it where it's at.
I do agree that PR is already in a good location, especially b/c of the terrain. I'm just selfish b/c my home park is SFOG.
They should put a B&M Dive Machine @the Grand Cayonon
Who needs that,
I'm never going to England"
Homer Simpson
I agree...keep it where it is.
You mean they SHOULDN'T move the Grand Canyon, Moosh....;)
More dive machines period, regaurdless of location. Do you not realize how big shivering timbers is? Actually, put it on the stratosphere as well. It would fit nicely next to steel dragon.
Down is the new up.
You don't think ST will fit in VF?
X at busch gardens tampa, in the montu pit
I'd love to see the loops of Vortex gleeming over the lake in Lake Winniepasaukah. Or Greezed Lighting.
I'd also love to trade Ga Cyclone for Thunder run, and Gasm for SOB. They'd all fit in well at their new homes.
Chattanooga needs a [B][I]ITG2[/I][/B] Machine!
A B&M DIve Machine down the side of the Stratosphere would be cool. I think placing WT underneath one of MF's overbanks would have been cool for near passes...
Food for thought.
On the topic of ridiculously large dive machines, why not have one travel to the bottom of the Mariana Trench in a really, really, thick tunnel?
"Find yourself a dream and, when you find it, chase it like a bull chasing a rodeo clown; don't give that clown an inch, not one inch" -Sean Kelly
I'd take Expedition GeForce and bring it to Knoebel's. 'Nuff said.
-Josh Linn, Phoenix Whore
Go Orioles!
2003 Phoenix Rides: 51
2004 Phoenix Rides: 17
2005 Phoenix Rides: 6
I'd take a fairly small roller coaster...say Comet from Hershey or something like that...and put it on my college campus, near my dorm. That way, I could randomly go out and ride it whenever I wanted to...midnight, before class, after class, take a break from work, whenever i need the adrenaline rush, to celebrate getting a paper done, that sorta thing :-D
Haha no I'm not giving Patrick the finger