Where should these coasters be?

A couple of my coaster-crazy co-workers and myself were discussing the ideal places for certain types of coasters and we wanted to get the opinions from others on this subject. What we're asking is, of the following coaster types, which park would be an ideal location and which park is the most likely location? The types of coasters are:
Inverted (B&M)
4-D coaster
Stand-up (B&M)
Hyper (B&M or Intamin)
Intamin Rocket Coaster
Dive Coaster
Flying Coaster (ugh)

If you can, tell a reason for your choices.

oops guess I should've put my opinions in...

Ideal: Disney MGM studios- I know it's not a thrill park, but it's the only park with a Star Wars license and I think a Death Star battle theme would be awesome for an inverted.

Likely: King's Dominion- No B&M coaster in the park, and is the only one out of the franchise without a Top Gun themed coaster.

Ideal: SFoG- With Goliath on the way, a floorless would make SFoG the B&M capital with five B&M experiences......and it's my home park.

Likely: SFGAm- Same reason as above, but they have the inside track at being the B&M capital.

4-D coaster:
Ideal: Anywhere on the East Coast.
Likely: Nowhere....though if I had to choose I would say SFGAdv.

Ideal: King's Island- Like PKD, there are no B&M coasters in the park and every other Paramount park has some sort of stand-up. Plus they can theme it around the removal of the King Cobra (call it the Cobra's Curse).

Likely: One of the smaller Six Flags park, just to say they have a new coaster.

Ideal:(tie) Astroworld- All of the smaller market six flags have one....shouldn't one of the top 5 markets have one?

Likely: Another smaller market Six Flags.

Intamin Rocket Coaster
Ideal and Likely: SFMM- West Coast is missing a rocket coaster and where's the only place that would put one in?

Dive Coaster:
Ideal: Busch Gardens Williamsburg- I still say that Sheikra is in the wrong place. Could you imagine diving off the top of those hills in the park?

Likely: Six Flags Fiesta- How about diving off the cliff of the rock quarry?

Flying coaster:
Ideal: Islands of Adventure- This is the only other place that would fit a flying coaster theme. Put it behind the Fantastic 4 cafe and give it a Human Torch Theme.

Likely: (tie) Cedar Point amd Six Flags (insert name here)- Though they know coaster buffs don't really like 'em, they also know casual coaster riders love 'em. Plus it's one of the few experiences that CP doesn't have. Six flags will put Superman in parks that don't already have a flyer because it's cheap and less work.

Ok those are my opinions, now let me know yours.

There can only be,

Lord Gonchar's avatar

Intamin Rocket Coaster
Ideal and Likely: SFMM- West Coast is missing a rocket coaster and where's the only place that would put one in?

Xcelerator? Knott's Berry Farm? :)

/\ It's funny how a lot of people forget about the very the first of the breed of launch coaster that has become the industry's newest fad. :)
Inverted (B&M)
Paramount Canada's Wonderland!!!

Paramount Canada's Wonderland!!!

4-D coaster
Not Paramount Canada's Wonderland!!!

Stand-up (B&M)
Not Paramount Canada's Wonderland!!!

Hyper (B&M or Intamin)
Paramount Canada's Wonderland!!!

Intamin Rocket Coaster
Not Paramount Canada's Wonderland!!!

Dive Coaster
Paramount Canada's Wonderland!!!

Flying Coaster (ugh)
Not Paramount Canada's Wonderland!!!

I think I've set the record straight.

2005 visited: PCW, PKI, CP, MFI, MIA, Knoebel's, Dorney, Hershey, PKD, BGW, USF, IOA, BGT 2006 planned: Holiday World, Kennywood, Indiana Beach, SFKK, Lake Compounce, SFNE, La Ronde, Hershey, SFGAd. and more!
Haha, I agree with grind:). In the theme of what coasters should go where, I think PCW should get a bobsled. I know it wasn't on your list, and maybe I should be slightly embarassed to admit it? But I love them, I can't help it. It would fit in pretty nicely with the park too, or maybe I'm just saying that because I want them to get one :P.
No invert for PKD....aren't you forgetting they already have volcano? now a top gun themed floorless wouldn't be a bad idea however,ora B&M flyer withthat theme.

Stand ups are old news & NO park is ever gonna build one again,the last one built was Scorcher at SFOG in 99....of course SFA was gonna add a stand up but that got cancelled due to Batwing.

It's a shame in some ways that stand-ups are "old news." Scorcher and Chang are some of my favorite coasters.
i wouldn't mind any of these coming to my home park. We could use a change.
B&M Hyper: Geauga Lake(no other place could be more perfect)

Inverted Coaster or Flying: SFFT(Just becuase they need a new coaster and with a batman theme i.e. Bathwing, Batman the ride, the dark knight, etc.)

Floorless: SFOG or SFgam( just because they need one)

Dive Coaster: BGW( I rode shrieka last month and it was awesome. It would be a great addition to BGW.)

Intamin Rocket Coaster: PKI: (They need a new "large" attraction. I was just there 9/4/05 and realized that the park has no major "stand out" attraction. It is pretty sad when you ride every ride in the park and Face Off is your favorite. I say they should build a rocket like Superman at WBMW:Australia . It would be the perfect addition.) *** Edited 9/7/2005 3:02:58 PM UTC by Autumn*** *** Edited 9/7/2005 3:04:27 PM UTC by Autumn***

"On wednesdays we wear Pink!"


Stand ups are old news & NO park is ever gonna build one again,the last one built was Scorcher at SFOG in 99....of course SFA was gonna add a stand up but that got cancelled due to Batwing.

I'll have to agree with you there. The majority of visitors to the parks with these rides will ride the stand up, but never again. They can't handle their legs being reduced to mush. If you've ever been on one, you know what I'm talking about. The g forces are very harsh on your legs, so there isn't many people who want to ride a stand up over and over again. I like them, but the gs can be too much on my legs, and I have to sit down after I ride one.

Hey, I think I'm doing some serious dreaming on a lot of these...tell me if you agree!

Inverted (B&M) - PKI...I'd really like to see them get a coaster that doesn't have the "V" word on it.

Floorless - OK, I'm selfish. I just want as many Floorless coasters as possible near me! Is that so wrong?

4-D - I'm thinking a larger park with major profit, so BGW or WDW (Epcot needs a coaster!). Of those two parks though...BGW. I would've loved experiencing DarKastle as a 4-D. WDW would work too. And it would add some competition across town for mummy.

Stand-up - I actually like Wanleft's Idea for "Kobra's Curse", but if there's one coaster type I really don't like it's Stand-up's. Ultimately, I can't see anyone putting one in.

Hyper - PCW...it would be a nice addition to a park that needs a signature "rise above the skyline" coaster IMO.

Intamin Rocket - Universal Orlando. Put it out over the water. No world records here, just a rocket that thrills people.

Dive - Dollywood. Diving through the Smokies with the scenery. Unlikely though, I'd say an SF park would bite first. As mentioned earlier SF Fiesta Texas would be cool.

Flying - Cedar Point. It's been talked about, and I believe even rumored before...I'd like to see it become reality.

Now officially a Halloween Haunt Cornstalker for Fall '08! www.freewebs.com/chadmicah

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