Where can I find RCT2 Parks and Track DLoads

Hey. Where can I find real re-creations and real tracks and stuff to download on CoasterBuzz? Sorry--I'm new here. L8r, and keep riding! Tim

S:RoS is the best coaster in the world! SFNE rox!
Jeff's avatar
CoasterBuzz Games is a good start, but it's down for a bit. Might be up later tonight.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

A search on Google always works.

Tanner Johnson Photography www.TannerJohnson.com
Downloads Wont Work Just Brings Up File Detail Please Help

Oh By The Way Im New

Welcome! While posting at Coasterbuzz you're more than welcome to use complete sentences and not capitalize every word. Just a friendly reminder before someone pounds on you for that. :)

Anyway, to download tracks from CoasterBuzz games you have to be logged in first. (You do not need to be a member of Coasterbuzz Club to download files). After doing that, when you are in a page with the file details, you'll find a link to download the ride following the ride's description.

Just send Lord Gonchar a personal message asking for his secret stash of "uber-rides".

Even though it's only a collection of all the tracks i've designed ;)

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Uber-Rides ain't cheap! :)

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