Hi, I'm trying to find out what this game is called. Its where you put in a coin and you try to get it in a good location to push a ton of other coins off the edge. Its a great game to lose money on ;). Anybody know what im talking about?.
What you described is called a coin pusher game (sometimes called a ledge game due to the moving ledge in most of them). The setup of these varies greatly based on state law and operator preference, but generally the higher the angle on the front edge of the playfield (lip), the harder it is to win. Small playfield dividers make it easier to win and are required in some states; California and Ohio for example, are very strict on these, especially in liquor-selling establishments.
If you need any more info, just email me. (I'll be out of town for a week though, but I'll reply as soon as I get back.)
My K'Nex Coasters - 2nd Coaster added
Coming to Wyandot Lake in 2003: Sea Dragon's Revenge
And this has do deal with coasters how?
800,000 years in 7 seconds: Time Machine the movie or next S&S creation?
"So Quoth the Lemon Chill Guy" (TM) (C)
You can find these machines at amusement parks. Remember that Coasterbuzz is about the entire industry not just the coasters...
"Enjoy your voyage to the sun on the wings of Apollo's Chariot"
Ok, i had no idea that these were at amusement parks. Thanks for the correction.
P.S. I know coasterbuzz is about the whole industry! :p
800,000 years in 7 seconds: Time Machine the movie or next S&S creation?
Tuesday's Gone With The Wind.
Elijah Rock.
Is it written in the stars?
La Vie Boheme!!!
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