What your park needs

While I'm at it...


Ok, we all know they are going to have a 160 million dollar expansion... well...
What to do, what to do??

Oh I got it.

Give me some rides, baby!!!

1) At least 5 more flat rides to almost double their current collection

2) Finish theming Dragon Mountain and revise it... possibly a little paint job and give the track a different color.

3) Add 2 new world-class original coasters. One wood, one steel. Each have a distinct theme and blends in naturally with the environment.

4) Put a nice train ride in so we can get from one end of the park to the other.
Damn, it takes me nearly 20 minutes to get from the freakin' Orca show to Dragon Mountain!!!!!

5) More animals... MORE ANIMALS!!! I know they're getting more aquatic animals... but I'd like some more interactive zoo-type animals... possibly Tigers, Wolves, or something that can chew my hand off!!!!! :)
Michigan's Adventure

1. 2 bathrooms in strategic locations
2. 50 trees
3. a hyper

In that order, BTW.

- 100 giant trees
- leave dinosaur ride like it was! plz!!
- flowers, flowers, flowers
- some CLEAN and good looking fountains
- a lot more theming around the rides
- a spiderman ride based on ghost town
- a 275-300 bm hyper/giga, over 6500 feet, w/airtime, track passing right by walkways, overbanked turns
"When I'm dead & in my grave, No more pot & whiskey will I crave, On my
tombstone it shall be seen. Here lie the bones of a smoking machine."

homepark=knotts berry farm (monte rules)
Sorry bryang, Knotts dosn't have the right to spiderman. Plus why put a spiderman ride in ghost town?

©Bruce's Posting Co.
I want the name Geauga Lake back!*

* And don't be telling me it's a porn site, they could get back the name if they wanted to!
Bruce, I think he meant a ride *like* Spiderman(the 3D ride simulator experience) based on Ghost Town. Not actually Spiderman.

Koaster King said:
"PKI:more comfortable SOB trains"

I dont think the trains were the problem, i would rather get new lap bars on it, thats a little better.

CP in 2002, get to the point
My home park would have to be valley fair AND SFGA, but I think that VF has lots more to improve upon. Note: This is from this year at the very weekend they opened so much has probably improved.

1. Bathrooms: VF really has to improve their bathrooms. They are just.... bad.

2. Looks: I think the food stands and some of the rides looked old and dirty. The majority of the foodstands were closed but those that were open looked so bland and dirty. A few of the rides also looked dirty and old. I think they should re-paint soem of the rides, and stop using white walls in food stands. White paint + grease does not mix.

3. Staff: Most of the staff were REALLY good, but a few staff were mean and snappy and really just didn't care. Most of the staff were good, but those who weren't can ruin a day pretty easy.

Hmm, that's all I can think of right now.
I say VF needs and inverted. The Gp thinks that the corckscrew is the best ride because it is the only coaster that goes upside down! I really wish we had Talon here.

1. Season Pass
2. Season Pass
3. Season Pass
4. Another woodie would be nice too.

Hello, My name is Dan and I'm a coasterholic.
I can't ask for anything more this year. I mean V2 AND Deja Vu in one season, that's pretty good. I would be glad with just V2, then they throw in Deja Vu. All the coasters are running good, and I think this is going to be a very promising year. :)

Don't fight it, Ride it, Raging Bull!
Webmaster:SFGAm 2001
I think Valleyfair should get either a B&M inverted coaster, a CCI twister (or some larger wood coaster), or maybe even an Intamin Hyper!

I think Valleyfair is great (seeing as how i work there...) but in a day's visit to the park, it could be so much better with any of those 3 coasters!
Hmmm, Well if I wanted to go Extreme I'd say Lagoon needs a Thrust Air ;), But they can only build 200' ft high :(, so ro be Realistic I'd say just a new Steel looper. :D

- http://www.lagoonpark.com
my home park is sfot, one of the greatest, but it still needs its fixer uppers.
5 things are on my list:
1.s and s power tower
2.a water ride
3.more flat rides
4.a 4-d coaster
5.a b&m floorless coaster
Just to add this in since we just got titan, i know think we have the only park closest to perfect great coasters,theming,food and shows. Its just a great park
Titan is going to rule the hypercoaster kingdom
knotts berry farm needs
1.new coaster
2.new flat rides
3.new thrill rides
4.more parking
5.maybe a coaster with a 500 feet drop
6.a ride like spiderman
7.maybe more kids rides
8.thrust air coaster
9.more water rides
10.more shows
Great Adventure is perfect. It needs nothing
Michigan Adventure- EVERYTHING NEW!
I think PKI could use a good inverted coaster along with a steel hyper coaster.

coasterpunk said:

1. Season Pass
2. Season Pass
3. Season Pass
4. Another woodie would be nice too.

Hello, My name is Dan and I'm a coasterholic."

Yep, I was saying the same thing about Kiddieland out here near Chicago and finally after 2 years of comments to them they came through with a membership. $47.50 for the membership and $5.00 each visit. This includes all the rides,attractions, free fountain soft drinks and free parking. It is official. All 3 of the amusement parks in the Chicago area have season passes. I AM LOVING THIS!!!!

""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""
Santas Village (Dundee, IL) - A Giga themed to the holiday shopping season, possibly named "The Christmas Rush". The station will be themed to Tickle me Elmos, Pokemon and Beanie Babies.

Oh yeah, this is 100% confirmed, the ice pole told me.

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