"What this park needs is an enema"

Chris Rettig

Sorry for the 'pseudo' Batman quote.....but.....

If you could take one park and REMOVE a roller coaster from it and replace it with a FLAT ride, which would you remove and what would replace it?

For me, I'd remove Serpent (I think that's the name)at Americana (sniff, sniff) and replace it with an Aero 360.

(At least the topic isn't 'PKI vs CP'......:))


how about removing Viper from SFGAdv and replacing it with an old deflated inner tube.


I'd remove "Python" from BGT, and replace it with a "Skylab." (Oh how I miss you, Skylab.)

Ron G

How about one of the fifteen thousand kiddie coasters at PKI(slight exageration) and put in a Aero 360 or Time Warp


I would burn down Psyclone at SFMM and put anything there.

"May the Force be with you"


I feel the same way Revolutionary about PGA's horrible Grizzly. Burn the frik'n thing down and anything replacing it would be a vast improvement!


I think I would burn down SOB (because its never going to be open) and put somthing that will never have any type of downtime at all! BTW thanks for the slam on my topic Chris!... All I wanted to know is why people care so much! Gee thanks!

Sousa129 :)

ACE member
Laser Quest member:
- Earnhardt2

Chris Rettig

It wasn't meant as a 'slam' per se. It was more meant to be: "I wish people would just chill out and enjoy the park they're at." type of statement. Even though PKI is my 'home park', I enjoy any park I'm at, no matter HOW many roller coasters there are (or whether or not they're counted as one or two that was a slam on that rediculous topic). Point being, who cares who has the most roller coasters, enjoy the ones you got.....

Now back to the topic???


Soggy's avatar
Destroy a coaster and put in a flat ride??? NEVER!!! (remember this is my OPINION on this subject, not a slam, not an arguement) Most flat rides simply make me barf, too much spinning and spinning and spinning. I am getting nautious just thinking about it.


I agree... That is why I asked the question.... If you read the posts the other "buzzers" are being verry nice to answer the question as best as they can! ("Why do people care?") But I have never cared who has the most coasters! Just wanted to let you know that I was more joking around that anything.... But back on topic...

I agree with Smoggy.... They make me sick... but so does Vortex when the brakes are on hard! Though I would like to see Areo360 @ PKI :) I would ride it at least once!

Sousa129 :)

ACE member
Laser Quest member:
- Earnhardt2


If you tear down a coaster to put in a flat ride, then where is your financial sense?? Let's tear down Disaster Transport and put back the Bayern Kurve. I loved that ride, but I wouldn't ride it since I would be in line for all of the coasters. Coasters = $$$ for the parks, flat rides = time away from coasters, for me.

There's nothing like a woodie...

Chris Rettig

Lord! Does EVERYONE around here take things so seriously?! I was just being HYPOTHETICAL! Pretend, fantasy, wish you could own the park kinda deals where if you had to remove a coaster to put in a flat ride, WHAT would you put in.

I now know how Sousa feels! Sheesh.

(BTW - see ya for the walkback to Sonny Sat morn)


I can see this is leading no where...


Closed topic.

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