What theme park T-Shirts do you have?

Ok, I admit I'm bored outta my mind. It is the 'off-season' down under you know.

I'm wearing my 'Earth's Most Powerful Rides - SFMM Coasters' black SFMM T-shirt with S:TE, B:TR and RR on it right now. I guess the park can add Goliath, Deja Vu and X to it!

Others I have;
'Busch Gardens Tampa Bay' gray 'Tommy Hilfiger' style shirt.
'Bermuda Triangle' Seaworld Australia shirt.
'Giant Drop' Dreamworld Australia.

Plus a blue SF hat.

*** This post was edited by CoasterGod on 5/7/2001. ***
Son o Beast logo gray/white.
BUSCH with Gardens Williamsburg in small print through it, gray.
IOA logo, gray.
Montu stats tee, white, it's too small now.
Shivering Timbers, logo, green, too big!
Coming soon: Yellow Coasterbuzz t-shirt!

Coasters- a little slice of heaven
I'm bored too, CoasterGod. I just don't feel like going down to SFEG to experiance the new Batman show.

Anyway, I have a white BGT shirt. It has all the coasters on it.
There are currently 11 coasters with the name Batman, 8 with the name Superman and 22 with the name Boomerang. Batman and Superman: The Ultimate Chiller Knight Flight Krypton Escape Ride.
I have a white IoA shirt that saysin small letters on the front "Universal Orlando Islands of Adventure" and on the back it has a blue and red dragon fighting. I have a dark blue IoA T-Shirt that shows parts of the big rides in the park.
Bull rides: 8
Viper rides: 6
Hmmm, let's see if I can remember them all.

Kennywood -- all 5 coasters, including PR

Six Flags Ohio Villain

Cedar Point -- 2 shirts, MF and Halloweekends

Lakemont Leap-The-Dips

PKD Hypersonic

Knoebels PPP

Um, hmmm... Old rec.roller-coaster shirt

2 ACE sweatshirts

PKI Son of Beast sweatshirt

Give me a few more days, and Holiday World SRM 2001 :)


Boulderdash(my hometown coaster),Hersheypark,Knoebels,and CP.

Expensive Revolution t-shirt that is fading away pretty fast... SFMM is a rip off at food and t-shirts!

The Buzzer formerly known as CoasterG-d
You should get a WLS Demon Shirt there really cool, and exceptional value $AUS14.90, (or $US7.59).
So far:
Black Raging Bull shirt w/ orange lettering (SFGAm)
Blue Hypersonic long-sleeved (PKD)
Black Mr. Freeze (SFStL)
Black "World's Greatest Coasters" (SFA)
Grey Magnum/Mantis/Mean Streak/Millennieum Force/Raptor shirt (CP)
Orange X-Flight logo shirt (SFWoA, so what if it isnt open ;))
--who notes that the last four major coasters @ CP all start with the letter "M" (for 'money' maybe?)
White Busch Gardens Williamsburg t-shirt with all the working coasters on the back, along with Escape from Pompeii and Roman Rapids. The rides are listed down with a check mark next to each, the shirt is titled "Things to Do"
Only started "collecting" them on my visit to Fla.

So far have 3 T's:
Dueling Dragons

Funny thing is, while I liked Hulk better than Dueling Dragons, I went with the DD shirt. I thought they looked better... a more "Mideval" look... not a comic book character.

Also picked up an Islands of Adventure knit (polo?) shirt while there.

Oh the good old days... when superheros were superheros and coasters were coasters...
I have a blue IOA shirt that shows a person upside down, wet, dizzy, ?, and puking, and on the back it says Warning:The Following Rides at Universal STudios Islands Of ADventure May Cause....
P.S. I say you hostyl at the Oddysey, that Mr. Freeze shirt is cool!

Six Flags Worlds of Adventures opens May 4, 2001 at 5:00 pm. SFWoA 115 years young in 2003.
"I dress myself" Ralph Wiggum
Hmm... a Magnum shirt that claims the ride is waiting. It has a picture of the first drop. On the back it says Cedar Point. I prefer magnets, keychain things, and on ride photos to shirts. I have about 7 pictures, 10 keychains, and 25 magnets of various parks and rides.

Valleyfair! It's better than Cedar Point!
As of now...

SOB flame orange style with large logo
Ghost Ridder black with huge red-eyed logo
blood red CI Cyclone
SFA Roar
SFA Superman
SFGAm Raging Bull
PKD red hypersonic
IB Hoosier Hurricane
CP Raptor(too small now :( )
KW Steel Phantom reccord breaker numbers
Hershey Lightning racer
HW something I can't quite remember

and probably more that I am forgeting ;)
-black Volcano: The Blast Coaster shirt
-blue Alpengeist shirt
-black SFOG Mindbender shirt
-blue Cedar Point Millennium Force shirt

I also have some posters, lapel pins, on ride photos, and a huge TRUNK filled with brochures, maps, and coaster articles.

"I traded my soul for a ride on Millennium Force"
Now, this is a different topic....

Rock 'n Roller Coaster - grey tee w/ logo on front, and white polo w/ logo
Gwazi - grey tee w/ the lion and tiger heads on the back
Screamin' Eagle - drab green tee
Millennium Force - blue tee w/ logo
Boulder Dash - white tee w/ logo on the back
Legend - white tee w/ logo on front
Wildfire - grey tee w/ logo on front
Dueling Dragons - black sweatshirt w/ pic on front and stats on back
Raptor - black sweatshirt w/ logo on front
Son of Beast - white tee w/ logo that looks like crap after only three times through the washer

blue Lakemont Park tee
black Silver Dollar City tee
black ACE tee

I think that's all of them (for now ;))

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