What rides don't have Mid-Course Brakes?

I don't Think any of the Vekoma SLCs have a Mid course brake.Neither do the Vekoma Boomreangs. Mr.Freeze does'nt have mid course brakes. and I don't think that Magnum XL-200 has them eaither. I HATE Titan's mid course brakes because. the first part of them you FLY right throught them and them the last few bring the train to a sudden stop, and throught you forward very fast and it can hurt your back sometimes too. It is awful, the brakes before the station are much smoother and there is less wiplash.


Titan Laps: 17


GASM at SFoG. 
Viper @ SFGAm,Top Gun at PGA, Vortex at PGA, Stealth, Psycho Mouse, Demon. You see, PGA's rides are all very short and thus have no midcourse brakes.
Phantom's Revenge, I dont know if the Racer has them or not, I doubt it.  Can anyone clear that up?:)
Kennywood is my home park!!!
Heck yes maggie has brakes, in the middle of the pretzel.

As for others, I dont know of any cci's that have mid course brakes. I dont think Top Gun at PKI has them either. Does Viper at SFGAM have them?


Jr. Gemini
Lets add Greez'd Lightning, Invertigo and Grizzly to PGA's list. Pyshco mouse has a ton of brakes but I don't know if you count them as midcourses.

Not MLK's words but mine..I have a Dream! I have a DREAM! I HAVE A DREAMI have a dream! That SFMM fans will be able to walk hand in hand with CP's!
AND no ONE cares what a coaster is and what a coaster isn't!

Dueling Dragons doesn't have any mid course breaks. That's awesome. =)
Magnum has brakes *before* the pretzel but they aren't of the midcourse variety, they're merely trims.
A lot of rides don't have mid-course brakes...

.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

MambaTim said:
Orient Express I don't believe does...
Mamba;The inspiration for SD2K. It doesnt get much better than that. Come to the Midwest;and ride the most underrated coaster in the U.S.

Yeah it does, right after the first vert. loop
Wildfire, Timber Wolf are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head, but they do have trims.

Sit back, hold on tight, because Mamba is about to strike! Enjoy Your Ride!


"They may destroy the foundations of our biggest buildings...but they cannot touch the foundation of America"-George W. Bush 9/11/01

Rollo Coaster:)

-formally known as Elroy
"Your to old for Jr. Gemini." "I am 4! Only I am just dressed as a teen for halloweekends!"

Are we really going to list all 500+?
Blast Coaster - http://coasternet.coasterbuzz.com - COASTERnet.coasterbuzz.com!
Ever notice how most (not all) of the better coasters you ride don't have mid-course brakes. I understand why a lot of coasters (steel and wood) need them, but when I hit those brakes I always tend to yell at the coaster, "Get off the brakes"!
X doesn't have a MCBR

Also what Goliath were you riding b/c the one I rode brings the train to almost a dead stop everytime.

Superman in WBMW Spain doesn't have one

Scandia Screamer doesn't

Merlins(sp) Revenge doesn't either

Colosso,  Germany

Oddessy , Germany

Air ,Alton Towers

Hypersonic PKD

Volcano PKD

there's many many coasters with out a MCBR

Anyways what Goliath did you say you were riding lol j/k

High Speed Thrill Coaster at Knoebels' doesn't... ;)


rob4420: he was kidding, lol. By Demon, do you mean@PGA, because thats an exact clone of the Demon@SFGAm, and it has mid course breaks.

-Defender of Shockwave

Batman: The Ride(s), Millennium Force, Twister 2, Mind Eraser(s), Boomerang(s), X, Hyersonic XLC, Dueling Dragons (Fire) & (Ice), Vertical Velocity (SFGAm, SFMW).

"Duff Man Says... Ohhh Yeah!"
Current Favorite Coasters:
1)Raging Bull 2)Millennium Force 3)Medusa (SFMW) 4)Vertical Velocity (SFGAm) 5)Dueling Dragons (Ice)

*** This post was edited by StealthmF5m3 on 10/19/2001. ***

HSTC is one heck of a ride...I STILL have bruises on my lower back, CAN'T wait for next year's PPP...
rollergator - intent on improving the "guest experience" - coming soon to a park near you

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