What makes a Six Flags?

World's of Fun and Valleyfair are CF owned I believe(help Jeff).
Actually,some of the best parks in the world are Six FLags parks...
yeah, i know! why doesnt everyone quit pickin on alll the parks? I kinda like the theme ideas, and Six Flags Parks (as well as other theme parks), entertain you more than any other ideas for fun you may have, so quit complaining! And if you dont like six flags parks (which are good), then dont go, but dont sit here whining about it! Keep any narrow-minded, negative opinions to yourself!
Jeff's avatar
If someone wants to express their displeasure about a park, they may do so (though I prefer it to be somewhat constructive). I'm not going to put up with people telling others to shut up, even if they don't come out and say it (Adam).

Thank you, and enjoy the rest of your day here at CoasterBuzz... Portal to The Thrill!(TM)

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
Six Flags, just so happens to be my favorite chain of amusement parks. I have been to SFGam, SFSL, SFMM, and SFMW. All of which, I enjoyed the entire time...Who cares if SF may have a few minor problems in some of their theme parks? Do you not enjoy the rides that you go there for? I have seen absolutely nothing wrong at any of the SF parks I've been to.
Jeff's avatar
I think you've identified the problem. You only spend between one and two minutes on each ride, which leaves a lot of time doing other things in between. A poorly managed park (staff, operations, etc.) detracts from the whole experience. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to visit Six Flags Ohio and deal with constant closures (sans effort made toward reopening), over-priced franchise fast food, slow ride operation, rude ride ops, etc. Life's too short to deal with that nonsense. World-class rides make not a world-class park.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
Not to mention the damn stagnant water near Serial Thriller and Batman Knight Flight at SFO
Wyandot Lake clarification:
It does indeed have 1 roller coaster and the waterpark is the main attraction but it also has 7 other adult rides, 8 kiddie rides, a show that changes throughout the season, the usual assortment of games, food, and other theme park stuff. The park is also nicely landscaped with a loose nautical theme and is kept clean and in good repair. The buildings have a nice old time park feel to them. A season pass gets you to SFO and SFKK for free and half price admission to other SF parks. The pass price includes parking (same lot as the Columbus Zoo so you can cheat and get free zoo parking as well).
Just maybe, to carry the Six Flags name, the park should be a destination park. Smaller parks generally cater to a local clientel.
SF is all about corporate homogenization which I absolutly despise. Everything has to look and feel the same everywhere. Well, what is the point of traveling then? Why do they feel the need to remove or downplay any reference other then the Six Flags name. Why use Six Flags Ohio instead of Six Flags Geauga Lake or just Geauga Lake. SFGAdv's old symbol had "Great Adventure" written real big and the Six Flags real small. Now it is just the opposite. Do they expect people to stop saying Great Adventure and just say Six Flags? Do they want people to feel comfortable going to a new park because it's called Six Flags and they know what to expect? Couldn't that be detrimental to them? Suppose I take a trip to Ohio and can only visit one of the 4 major parks. Well, since I've been to Six Flags before somewhere in the world, I'll cut out SFO and choose between PKI,CP,& SW.

Just some random thoughts.
Ahhh, millrace. I hate to say it, but you are in the minority. From what i have seen from the company formerly known as Premier, they DO want ppl to only think SIX FLAGS, the other designations are irrelavent to them. They seem to think that the name Six Flags holds a certain connotation with the GP that can translate into dollars. And as for my minority comment, most ppl when traveling WILL go to places they have some sort of experience with. I know several people who will go out to another part of the country and go out to eat at Denny's as opposed to a local place, simply because they know what to expect. As for the Six Flags name, I think SFI is handing out the name to all their parks, they are just starting with the ones that are facing regional compitition like SFA and SFO, though for the life of me I dont understand Elitch's Gardens....maybe the park just needs to be near a major urban market....
Sad but true. Another 99 cent heart attack.
Six Flags comes from the original concept of Six Flags over Texas wich are areas themed to the Six Flags that Have flown over Texas.

SFOSTL only had 5 coasters until they built the Boss.

Twisted Sister is two independant Coasters with unique tracks. As is Gwazi.

WOF and Valley fair are the other two CF parks.

They are all Six Flags Parks now. And will all probably carry the name in a few years.

Keep building the Coasters and they will come.

SF has the best deal of any park chain.
SF has more coasters than any park chain.
SF has more parks than any other park chain.

Favorite Steel--Incredible Hulk
Favorite Wood--Timber Wolf
SFGAM is the originator all the other parks clone it's rides.


Raging Bull #1
lol, I like the last comment, and its true!
I don't think SFMM gets cloned rides, so that statement is false.
What about Batman the Ride? Last time I checked it was a clone at SFMM. But aside from that I agree with you about SFMM.
Also Viper SFMM is basically a close of Shockwave @ SFGAm, the only difference is the lift hill and drop are sligtly (less than 30 ft) longer
Viper and Shockwave are pretty similar to Great American Scream Machine at SFGAdv.
T-Wolf, I'd like to correct you on your Six Flags over Texas themed areas and flags. I live 2 hours from SFOT and will soon live about 2 miles from there. I was born and raised in Texas and have had Texas History thrown at me since elementary school. The 6 flags and original themed areas of SFOT are:


Brittain is not a part of the mix. Just a little FYI. :)

Now, on with the debate again! ;)

Personally, the only Six Flags parks I have been to are SFOT, SFStL, and Astroworld. I was at SFStL and Astroworld before I was old enough to even remember anything, so they don't count. My other park experiences are Cedar Point, Silver Dollar City, Opryland USA, and Holiday World.

SFOT seems as though it's not from the same mold as a lot of the other SF parks. I've never experienced a lot of the problems that I read about at other SF parks. It's always clean. The food is alright. The ride ops and staff have never been super-friendly like at CP or HW, but they've never come off as being blatantly rude and uncaring either like I read about other parks. A lot of SF parks are getting slammed and ragged on all the time. Not to pick on any certain parks, but SFO and SFKK seem to be the most hated. Elitch Gardens just might as well not exist, either, as much as I hear about it (almost never). It really seems as though the bad reps of a couple of parks are being stereotyped into the entire SF chain. Maybe the problem is just with the young SF parks. I rarely ever hear anything awful about the 3 originals, SFOT, SFOG, and SFStL. Even the 3 followers, SFGAdv, SFGA, and SFMM don't get a whole lot of negative comments, aside from the SFMM vs CP debates. It just seems to me like some people are a little hard on the entire chain just from their experiences at 1 or 2 parks. I think that's unfair. 甀搀最攀 琀栀攀 瀀愀爀欀猀 猀攀瀀愀爀愀琀攀氀礀⸀ 夀漀甀爀 攀砀瀀攀爀椀攀渀挀攀 愀琀 匀䘀伀 眀椀氀氀 戀攀 攀渀琀椀爀攀氀礀 搀椀昀昀攀爀攀渀琀 昀爀漀洀 礀漀甀爀 攀砀瀀攀爀椀攀渀挀攀 愀琀 匀䘀伀䜀 漀爀 愀渀礀 漀琀栀攀爀 匀䘀 瀀愀爀欀⸀ 刀攀洀攀洀戀攀爀 琀栀愀琀 愀渀搀 琀愀欀攀 琀栀愀琀 椀渀琀漀 挀漀渀猀椀搀攀爀愀琀椀漀渀 戀攀昀漀爀攀 礀漀甀 挀漀渀搀攀洀渀 愀渀搀 攀渀琀椀爀攀 挀栀愀椀渀 漀昀 瀀愀爀欀猀⸀
1badgmc all I can say is *applause, applause* =]
oh and to millrace, you are correct in saying that viper (MM) and shockwave (GAm) are similar to GASM-2 (GAdv). However, I just want to point out to you that SHOCKWAVE was the first of the Arrow 7-loopers, then GASM then Viper. ....
Thanks, 2Hostyl. *takes a bow* ;)

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