What is stacking trains?

Hey Jeff if that's true then they should only have two (2) trains why have three (3) it would go a bit faster just with two (2) - I could be wrong

I’ve wondered the same thing as Mr. Mouse. On certain rides (especially Corkscrew at CP) the ride ops would have to run themselves into the ground to keep three trains going without stacking… so why not just run two trains?
They only run the MF 1 train at a time the next train does not go until the last train has returned to the station - is this the future of train running if so you better get ready for a L O N G E R wait
LuvRaptor's avatar
Stacking is BAAAAAD
Interval is GOOOOOD
As a proud Raptor ride operator we try our best to keep stacking to a minimum. We can not dispatch another train out of the station until the previous train has cleared the 1st lift hill.
As stated here, for the most part (less mechanical and/or computer glitches, or transfering) we stacked due to the riders, having stuff in their hands, not having their seat belt done, us having to give an extra shove to a larger guest, or the lovely vomit clean up, this list can go on and on. We prided ourselves in our intervals (meaning one train in, one train out)
and would try our best to keep it going. Ideal is 1600 guests/hour with all 3 trains in operation.
As far as MF is concerned, their "clear" to dispatch another train is FAR after Raptors so I think if you're stating a train on course, one in the loading platform and one in the unload platform as "stacking"...obviousely you are NOT a ride operator nor understand the word "clear"
Have YOU seen ANY block brakes on MFs course?
I didnt think so

2000 Raptor Crew
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I think it is an unfair statement to say that Cedar Point loads people faster while Six Flags Parks ride attendants sit on their keister's. Its really more of a regional thing. Parks on the the west coast have horrible loading times. Over on the east cost and the mid west, ride operators fly (there are a few exceptions). For example, a 2 hour line for Goliath is more like a 30 min line for Nitro. I have not been to SFWoA, so I cant really comment on them. But I can talk about the time I was riding Psyclone at SFMM. I had just finished riding and was waiting for the train in the station to depart so we could enter the station on unload (it really works better there). They checked the lap bars of the people. A normal procedure. However, the cell phone pressed up to the ear of a ride operator while she was doing this, was not normal at all.
On any given day at SFMM they stack Revolution. Now that's a crack up!
By one definition of stacking, you could look at MF doing it. But by the way it is designed, only one train can be on the course. Really the trains go straight into the unload station when the ride is over instead of stopping on the brake run before, if memory serves me right.
Jeff's avatar
In order for The Force to stack, the returning train would have to come to a full stop in the brakes. Does it happen? At times, sure, but if it does, it's rarely for than five seconds. Generally speaking it rolls right into the unload.

Where's that blocking article RideMan wrote... Dave, is your site even in the database?

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
Jephry's avatar
Yeah, the deal with Millennium Force is that only 1 train can be on the course. When there are 3 trains running and 2 are in the station and there is a mid-course brake, thats stacking. But with Millennium Force, if there is a train in the entry station, a train in the exit station and one on course, thats normal because thats how it runs.

You are the Weakest Link, Goodbye.
Cedar Point definitely has the least stacking of any park I've been to. They smartly built longer runs at the end of most of the rides to acommodate two trains at once in the brakes. On the whole stacking issue, it doesn't bother me that much (oh there are times..). I can wait another minute to board. Most parks I go to don't have the capacity issues that Cedar Point does either. And, how many parks do you know of that board their employees for the summer? That's why CP is so different.
Batwing-Bow Down
For fast dispatches, ride Nitro at Six Flags Great Adventure. As soon as the train clears the lift, the next train is sent. Never a wait longer than 30 min, when all 3 trains are running and the line is at the entrance.
Jeff, why are you bashing SFwoa like that, we all know there ride ops are terrible, especially on Batman Knight Flight, they are always stacking. The raptor at CP is much shorter and you hardly see any stacking. We shouldn't say anything about that here Jeff, this is nothing but a negative dig on the ride ops at SFwoa. That is what you say to me about anything I say! I think it is time for you to close this topic!
Jeff's avatar
I'll decide how to moderate the site, thanks, and I'm not going to get into it with you about why I've closed your threads (which, in recent memory are all about how bad the same park is).

If Raptor is shorter, then all the more reason that Batman shouldn't stack.

Mind you I used Batman only as an example. It happens at all kinds of other parks and other rides. Top Gun at PKI used to be the worst, but they really seem to have it together this year.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
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I just noticed something. Manhattan Express has a load and unload station, midcourse break run, plus two OTHER break runs before the trains reenter the station. Why is it that this ride only uses three trains instead of four. Given the really long lines I would think it would be advisible to put another on.

Also when I was talking about Canyon Blaster i forgot to mention we have a 20 second interval that managment times. Seriously Ive been at controls and been called by the rides supervisor and told to speed up even though we hadnt been stacking. WOW!

"ok everyone go ahead and pull down on your shoulder restraint so you feel nice and stuck!"

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