What is so great about Georgia Cyclone/Viper?

These two wooden coasters have the exact same layout as Texas Cyclone, but are ranked so much higher. I was wondering. There are PTC's on GC, but I'm not sure about Viper. I know that makes a huge difference, but other than that I have no idea how one could be so remakably better. Please tell me what is different if you've rode them all.

Arrow, even the straight parts of our coasters hurt.

The weather also is a large factor in the way a ride performs (hot and dry isn't good for wood...but TC does have sprinklers).

Am I really that shy?

I have ridden all three and would rank them Viper, Texas Cyclone and Georgia Cyclone. Viper also has PTC trains, but Texas Cyclone has those goofy Morgan trains. Call me a homer, but Viper has great air, laterals, headchoppers, no trims and is very smooth. Despite the Morgan trains, Texas Cyclone is almost as good as Viper. Georgia Cyclone just does not measure up for me - much rougher than the other 2.



rollergator's avatar

Riverview, did you ride Ga Cyclone THIS year. Previously, I had ridden it and would have agreed completely. This year it was *almost* as good as Viper. Haven't ridden Tx. Cyclone, but even a car crash is better than Psyclone (well, not really, but they are surprisingly comparable, lol). The Original was smooth as glass when I rode it, but "powerful as all get out" and clearly the cream of the crop. (Setting DOES count in my rankings too though)...

basically, it's a beautiful layout with STRONG drops, airtime, choppers, laterals....what's NOT to love....:)

Viper is an honorary CCI in my book. One of my favorite coasters thats for sure, and my favorite at GAM.

Smoothest woodie I have ever rode, and that double down(or is it up?) is off the hook.

Can't wait till Buzz Con to get my 3rd trip to GAM.

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!
Yes Virginia, I am Santa Claus!

Viper is such a great wooden coaster, its smooth with a bit of roughness (like a woodie should have), and it has GREAT airtime! Definantly my favorite wooden coaster!
Viper is weak in the first and second drop in the backseat when I rode it but the rest of the ride is a PERFECT and FLAWLESS ride. In my top 10 easily and if I had airtime on the first 2 drops in the backseat as well as the rest of the ride it would have easily pushed it #1!! The ratcheting lapbars are by far the best PTC ratcheting lapbars in the world!!! They stay put even with your hands up!!! :-)


*** This post was edited by Pink Floyd Fanatic on 1/11/2003. ***

Not to mention the fact that GAM ops let yo keep the thigns so far up its crazy. 2 click rides all the time and no seat belt. It's like riding Phoenix.

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!
Yes Virginia, I am Santa Claus!

MagnumForce, you can get a double-down followed directly by a double-up on Phoenix ;-)

Jingle Bells. Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way! Oh what fun it'll be to ride Hulk at IOA!

The Georgia Cyclone is my favorite coaster... period. My girlfriend loves every coaster at SFoG, but fears GaCyclone. It delivers an incredible out-of-control ride that can't be explained, only experienced. Isn't that why we ride wooden coasters anyway? To get something different that steelies?? I'll put it to you like this... my favorite steel coaster?? Phantom's Revenge. Both of these marvels have one thing in common. The coaster gives you the sensation that it wants you OUT of the trains.

The first drop is a wonderful thing in itself.


Just as it gives in to gravity, it turns slightly to the left and creates a devastating BUCK UP and TO THE RIGHT to anyone in the last two seats, especially if you sit on the left-hand side of the train. I was foolish enough to test "her" with a one click ride, and it literally almost cost me my life. I was thrown out of the seat, over the seat divider and ended up on my knees in the floorboard facing sideways and my arms over the side of the train. When the coaster bottomed out, I jumped back into my seat and stapled myself for the duration. I didn't respect the coaster, and learned a valuable lesson.

I was once shown this picture before I rode the Cyclone in the back and thought it had to be a hoax...


Verily, I say unto you. It is not. I love this coaster.

I'm not an enthusiast, I just play one on message boards.

*** This post was edited by Homey G. on 1/11/2003. ***

Marimba Guy, I know very well all about Phoenix, I still have to go back and get my balls. I left them on the double up when I was viscously slammed against the restraint

Knoebel's is such a great place. :)

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!
Yes Virginia, I am Santa Claus!

*** This post was edited by MagnumForce on 1/11/2003. ***

I witnessed Brian's near death experience. It was the funniest moment on a coaster this entire season for me!

I rode GA Cyclone for the first time this year. It was absolutely amazing. That coaster is like a bull, it wants you off it's back. That trip would've been worth it without S:UF or DejaVu, just because of that coaster!


A one that is not cold, is hardly a one at all.

rollergator said:

Riverview, did you ride Ga Cyclone THIS year. Previously, I had ridden it and would have agreed completely. This year it was *almost* as good as Viper.

No, I rode it 2 years ago, but I'll take your word (and others) that it has been improved.


Laugh your troubles away at Riverview, the world's largest amusement park.

I know the feeling MagnumForce!

Jingle Bells. Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way! Oh what fun it'll be to ride Hulk at IOA!

Homey G. said:
as it gives in to gravity, it turns slightly to the left and creates a devastating BUCK UP and TO THE RIGHT to anyone in the last two seats, especially if you sit on the left-hand side of the train. I was foolish ** This post was edited by Homey G. on 1/11/2003. ***

Hey Homey, too bad they screwed up that first drop! Yes, it was so wild the first couple years. Then they reprofiled it and took that snap/kick outta it. I rode it when it first opened, wasn't even completely painted yet. It was a top 5 coaster. Then they added 2 sets of brakes. Then a couple years later they redid some of the profile. The drop under the first curve was like the first drop too, and they ruined that too.

VIPER is a perfect example of a perfect coaster. It's even better than the first couple years it was open. I can't believe it's not ranked higher.

Zombie, that buck is STILL there, trust me. Read the part about where I almost died.

The trims are a necessary evil because on some days, it can be a very rough ride.

I'm not an enthusiast, I just play one on message boards.

rollergator's avatar

Zombie, Viper is a darn fine copy, but trust me, the Original is the perfect example of the perfect coaster. Comes equipped with the perfect trains AND the perfect setting. The history of the coaster, it's really quite *palpable*. Brian, trust me, you ARE an *enthusiast*,. otherwise you'd be watching MY Bucs destroy this poor SF team....:) Whoot!

Very good well-being lark this...Absolut*ly Reliable
When the A-train is running, even a BUS is just *track debris*....;)

Well Bill, all your college teams failed you miserably, so I guess you can always turn to the Bucs ;)

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!

rollergator's avatar

Brent, I'm *hoops-first mentality*, so the real fun doesn't start for me until March madness (with the gators), and later when I sadly miss the Western Conference Finals for SRM....talk about divided loyalties!

Who DID the work on Ga Cyclone, they did AMAZING work....easily worth twice whatever SFoG paid!

edit: With luck, the Kings will dispatch Shaq and Kobe early this year, so SRM can be pure COASTING pleasure without the need to check in on CWebb and the guys...;)

*** This post was edited by rollergator on 1/12/2003. ***

Nothing has changed on Ga. Cyclone since it opened--it's always had trims, and the drop is the same as the day it opened.

Is that a Q-bot in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

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