What is SFOG'S LO-Q system???? No Message

Nitro Rocks...enough said

I read something about it...I think you get a reservation time or a beeper that lets you know when to come ride the ride?

It costs $10 i think?

Lo-Q is another method of virtual queueing used by some parks.

You get a beeper-like wireless device that can be used for up to 6 people, I believe.  You hold the Q-Bot up to a receptacle at the entrance of participating attractions, it beeps, and you continue on your way.  A little while later, it'll beep again, and it displays a return time for that attraction. 

In that way, it's similar to Disney's Fastpass.  You can queue up for a number of different rides at once (but not the same ride more than once), though you'll only be assigned a return time after you've the previous time has passed.

I paid $15 to use it alone.  It's an additional $5 per person, but I understand that the price may have increased.


I was at SFoG on the final weekend of the season, and the $15 + $5/additional person rate was still in effect.  I found the Q-Bot to be very useful, as the park was packed.   Our group was able to get in multiple rides on Georgia Scorcher and B:TR, which would not have been possible without it.   If we hadn't had the Q-Bot, I doubt we would have been able to get rides in on all the coasters, let alone rerides.

SFoG also handled the reserved rows (usually the second to last row) very well.  If noone was in line for the Q-Bot row, everyone simply shifted down one slot before boarding to eliminate an empty row going out.  

For total information, I wrote up a page on it on my site. www.sixflagsatlanta.tk
Please Visit My Site - http://sixflagsatlanta.tk
I think Fastlane is better. I dont see how there is any difference if two rows of seats are takn up. Plus it's free! We are talking SIX FLAGS! Rarely do you find things for free at SF parks, but to be able to be able to skip the whole line for free is great IMO! I don't see why some people dislike Fastlane so much, I say stop whining over that fact that 4 people go ahead of you, and it really doesn't even mattr anyways, since they would be in line for the ride nevertheless. *This post relfects my opinion and is not intended to harrass anyone's personal opinion in anyway, I am just expressing my view over something I don't see is such a big deal*
One way I think that fast pass could be improved could be to have a car designated as a fast pass only car where people without a fast pass couldn't ride in this car
DOT crew 2000
Flight of Fear crew 2001

*** This post was edited by FoF on 2/5/2002. ***

Wait, CoasterGuy,

Where do youg et Fastline for free at Six Flags?  It costs $10 per pass at our park.

"If two coaster trains almost hit each other, why is it called a near miss and not a near hit?"

rollergator's avatar
The way the park allows riders to "fill-in" the unused priority seats gets a big plus in my book.  I'll never forget the arguments b/w ride-ops and customers at SFA because their park doesn't allow people to fill in the unused seats...
PoTP acolyte - remove fear to reply
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!
In that case let me correct myself. At SFNE, the only park I've used this system, it is completely free. Also, the middle car of each ride is chained off for Fast Lane users only.  I geuss it all depends on which SF park you go to. I can see how if it costs $10, it would suck compared to Lo-Q.
Park operators dont even check those Lo-Q things, just get one and walk up to them and say it beeped.  I promise they will always let you in.  I have personally done it thousands of times.  lol
In addition to SFNE, other parks the FastLane service "was" free at included SFA and SFGAd (shocker).

I am almost 100% sure that those were all the free parks for FL.

SFMM FL ranks as the highest cost per ride -- $15 for 4 rides (!!!!!!) !  Talk about a fantastic deal...

Have you ever considered that maybe it's not you that's the problem, but THE PARK? ;)

sfog_isthebest... said:
Park operators dont even check those Lo-Q things, just get one and walk up to them and say it beeped.  I promise they will always let you in.  I have personally done it thousands of times.  lol

Don't do that on my ride this year, GASM.  ;)  This year Lo-Q will be staffed by Lo-Q people, not the rides people.  Hopefully this will prevent unfair riders.

Sawblade5's avatar

Chernabog said:
Lo-Q is another method of virtual queueing used by some parks.
You get a beeper-like wireless device that can be used for up to 6 people, I believe.  You hold the Q-Bot up to a receptacle at the entrance of participating attractions, it beeps, and you continue on your way.  A little while later, it'll beep again, and it displays a return time for that attraction. 
In that way, it's similar to Disney's Fastpass.  You can queue up for a number of different rides at once (but not the same ride more than once), though you'll only be assigned a return time after you've the previous time has passed.
I paid $15 to use it alone.  It's an additional $5 per person, but I understand that the price may have increased.

Do those things have a refundable deposit or do they let you keep em?

Chris Knight
All Your Base are belong to us
That's not roughness that intensity

I',m not sure but there would have to be some type of way to make you turn them back in
DOT crew 2000
Flight of Fear/Wave Swinger crew 2001-2002

*** This post was edited by FoF on 2/5/2002. ***

you just rent them for the day then return your q-bot as you leave. If you try to leave the park, it will warn you first then tell Lo-Q that u stole a q-bot. They have ur drivers license and info on file so they can easily charge you if you try to steal a q-bot.
I don't think that it is fair to give amusement park guest two different classes just because someone is willing to pay a few extra bucks just to be able to walk around a park and wait in another line while they are in a "virtual queue"
D.o.t. Crew 2000
Flight of Fear/Wave Swinger crew 2001-2002

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