What is ERT like at CP's Coastermania?

Is it like "You can ride till you puke!" or it the wait is 10 minutes, half an hour?  How does it work?  Do they give us a special card so we can get in/Stay after hours?  Also, if I sign up for the coasterbuzz club now, how long till I get my card?  Also, how much has this even cost in the past?  Oh, and is parking free?  Thanks for all the help fella's.  I hope to see a bunch of you there!  This will be my first trip to CP, and it will be the predecessor of my first trip to SFWoA, my first trip to PKI, my first trip to SFKK, and my first trip to Holiday world.  WHOA MOMMA, SENSORY OVERLOAD!  Sorry, i'm getting a little excited.
Coastermania is the heaviest attended rollercoaster enthusiast event, so the ERTs aren't so exclusive.  For example, the Millenium Force line is still probably about 45 minutes!  However, that is the most popular coaster, and Raptor and Mantis usually only have about a five - 10 minute wait during ERTs.  Either way, it is a great event because you are in line with other enthusiasts! 

I believe it usually costs about $27.00 or so.  The flyer has been sent with the most recent ACE mailing, but I forget the actual price.  Parking is additional.  You are given a 'Coastermania' button at the entrance, and if I remember correctly, this is what you use for the entrance to the coaster lines during ERT sessions.

It looks like they are giving a pretty good discount this year on the Skycoaster/S&S attraction combo ticket too - thats a nice bonus!!

See you in line.......


Last year at the night ERT, I got on Magnum 10 times in under an hour because everyone went to M.Force.  Then I went over to that, and it rode another 3 times.  If this doesn't motivate you to go, I don't know what will!
Take a good look at Six Flags Worlds of Adventure because in a few years the Sea World side will look exactly like it does, a zoo.
The morning ERT last year was great! Walk-ons for Mantis, Blue Streak, and Raptor! ERT in the evening was good too. Magnum was a walk-on, but Millennium Force was 45min wait.
"If everything seems undercontrol, you're not going fast enough!"
This will be my first time going to coastermainia at Cedar Point but I have been to the park many times. I do have some questions during the ERT are we allowed to stay on any type of coaster without getting off if its not busy with lines such as Raptor & Mantis and will Mean Streak offer any ERT at all? Since the events start at 6:00am would anyone recomend getting to the point any earlier for registrations? Also we can bring a friend as a guest? May 31st-June 10th will be my biggest coaster trip ever I'm also getting excited 3 months and counting! Thanks.

Wild Thing: 75Laps! Power Tower: 73 Rides. Valleyair Security 2002! 8Years Working at Valleyfair!

The Beast, I'll try to help you:

- No you can't stay on a ride, you have to get off and walk around. Most of the time, there is a small wait.
- When it says "Regristration begins at 6AM" thats means it begins then. I don't thinkt they will let you into the parking lot before that.
- Mantis will be included in the morning ERT... which is from 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM. While Mean Streak will not be included in the ERT.
- You may bring a guest, but only one guest.

- Andrew Hyde

Magnum ERT baby! That is so awesome running around and around...there is literally no one in the station except ops, and people for the front and back! :) MF ERT is un-freaking-believable if it's anything like last year. The wheels on that thing were roasting it was going so fast! That's the fastest I've ever seen that monster run. The first tunnel is deafefing from people screaming and the insane speed of the trains!

Sept. 11th 2001, Slayer released God Hates Us All. The song "Disciple" uncannily describes the events of that day, as well as the anthrax letters that followed.
--Slayer: Thrash band, or the next Nostradamus?

Here's a link to my tripod page that has a link to the coastermania flyer... (The only way it will work because tripod stinks- but hey...it's free)
"It's Deja Vu all over again." - Yogi Berra

*** This post was edited by redman822 on 2/14/2002. ***

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