What exactly are these muffleheads?

O.K. I would like to know exactly what this infestation over Sandusky is all about? Until I came on this site I never heard of these bugs. What do they closely resemble? What other parts of the country have these bugs besides Northern Ohio? Is there a website that shows pics of these bugs?

Somebody give me an insect lesson!!! 

"The Peoples Elbow" or "The Spinaroonie?. Cant decide which is the most electrifying move in sports entertainment!!! LOL

*** This post was edited by Chitown on 1/8/2002. ***

Jeff's avatar
My wife, the biologist, wrote a short feature about them for GTTP:

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com, Sillynonsense.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

*** This post was edited by Jeff on 1/8/2002. ***

Thye love slow moving fresh water. They taste bad, and they cause coaster crews to stay late and clean trains once a week in Ohio.
One word.  Muffleheads are HELL!  I remember working in games and we would get there in the morning and they would be covered all over the gates of the games.  Then you would open it and you would have sweep the floor and there would be piles of them.  They were awful.  I am definatally not a fan of the Muffleheads!



I call them "midges". They're just like misquitos except they don't bite. Actually I think they're male misquitos. I think they're all around Lake Erie. They're probably around the other great lakes too but i'm not sure.

Millennium Force......It has its ups and downs.

I've said it once, i'll say it again. 

muffleheads = satan's little helpers

"When I come to a town I would love to see a children’s festival and children’s choirs singing my songs - maybe create a children’s day! A Holiday! With parades and songs - oh, I would love that!" - I swear to god its a Michael Jackson quote

Those evil little things. One time when we went to CP last year, we stayed at Lighthouse Point for 2 Nights (nice cabins :) ). They were everywhere. But what was weird, The first day we went, there wasn't a mufflehead in sight. and that night, they were everywhere, they kept going into our cabin everytime we opened the door. There was a paper about them in the cabin, I have it somewhere.

-------------------------------------------------------------Nick- -Webmaster- http://www.AmusementMania.com -

Lord Gonchar's avatar
I think muffleheads would be a much better name for the "undesireables" who post on these forums. Beats the crap out of "trolls".

Don't feed the muffleheads! :)

Haha..  you got your first vote of support there Lord Gonchar!  :oD
Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like bananas.
Jeff's avatar

RllrCstrDude187 said:
"I call them "midges". They're just like misquitos except they don't bite. Actually I think they're male misquitos."
Perhaps you should read the article mentioned above.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com, Sillynonsense.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

staticman00's avatar
All of you who have been to a CoasterMania! event know that the beginning of June is prime Mufflehead season.  A few of us trying to ride Magnum at dusk are often quoted as calling the event "MuffleMania!".  Yikes.  Looking foward to MuffleMania! 2002 this June!
Is it possible that Super Smash Brothers Melee is TOO much fun?
Ah, mufflehead memories...

1989, Avalanche Run shut down, and our toboggan stopped on a brake somewhere along the track in the middle of a swarm of them.  It was only about 20 minutes before we got going again, but it seemed longer just sitting there swatting and trying not to open our mouths (mmm...flying protein).  I will give credit to the ride op who stayed with us almost the entire time.

Ohio...so many coasters...
...so little summertime.

That explains why there are several MF on-ride pics of people with faces screwed up in disgust as if they've tasted something bad. ;)
Yes I was just as amazed after riding Millennium Force as I was during the ride as I noticed the creatures splattered by the dozesn on my shirt. And take a look at the front of Mean Streak's train: http://www.starcoasters.com/parkgalleries/cedarpoint/cedarpoint22.JPG That isn't a very good pic but all of the 'speckles' you see if you look closely are muffleheads :)

|| Jonathan Hawkins ||

Once or twice a week we used to have to clean out the tracker bar screens on the band organ on the Frontier Carousel. They would get so thick that the screens would be plugged solid. Blow them out and the organ would start playing again.

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