What else can you want?

I know that there has been a lot of talk about different things in the game (i.e. more types of people, different flat rides, etc.) but I was thinking that even without these extras the game really only needs one more feature, to be able to ride the coasters. Isn't that all that RCT really needs? *** This post was edited by Twistamaniac on 2/13/2001. ***

if someone made a rct to 3d track converter, it would be a cinch...
I'm 2 for 2 so far!!!
Riding the rides isn't what I want the most... and I bet that if that feature came out for a 2nd RCT, it wouldn't be the most popular new feature. It'd get hype, but wouldn't be popular.

I've experienced it with Sim Coaster, No Limits, and other rollercoaster sims...

The thing that draws people to Rollercoaster Tycoon is the building of your perfect RollerCoaster. I would easily sacrafice the time & space of riding your creation for other features such as better graphics, better zoom mode, more freedom building coasters, & altogether, more variety of flat rides.

Seriously, if you think about it... riding your creation is not that big of a deal. It'd be fun, don't get me wrong... but it's not that big of a thing.
I agree with dawg byte. It would be a nice side feature, but not what the game is about, and would just make the game less compatible with older computers.
More flat rides!

Yea more flat rides! What's a park without a Tilt a Whirl, Music Express, Paratroopers, and good old Whip.

2000 stats: 135 coasters in 26 parks
Not Too Shabby For A Summer
I'd love to be able to ride my rides...that's why I'm anxiously awaiting NoLimits. It'd be neat to be able to ride the rides, but only if you could walk around your park as a gues like in the Sim Games...however, they need to try and preserve the feel of RCT during this.

What I want most of all is Intamin track/trains, and the ability to specify the banking of turns and the angle of ascent and descent. Hopefully together! Like a drop down menu for each piece of track. Such as:

Straight track: Banking:0,15,30,45,60(l&r), angle of descent:+- 0,15,30,45,60,75,85,90

Curves: Banking: 0,15,30,45,60,90,120 angle of descent:+- 15,30,45,60

With these options you could have a virtually unlimited range of coaster building...also, multiple loop/corkscrew sizes (including GIANT loops, ~100-150 feet) and a true dive loop/immelman element.

That would make RCT unbeatable.

Dawg Byte said:
"Riding the rides isn't what I want the most... and I bet that if that feature came out for a 2nd RCT, it wouldn't be the most popular new feature. It'd get hype, but wouldn't be popular.

I've experienced it with Sim Coaster, No Limits, and other rollercoaster sims...

The thing that draws people to Rollercoaster Tycoon is the building of your perfect RollerCoaster. I would easily sacrafice the time & space of riding your creation for other features such as better graphics, better zoom mode, more freedom building coasters, & altogether, more variety of flat rides.

Seriously, if you think about it... riding your creation is not that big of a deal. It'd be fun, don't get me wrong... but it's not that big of a thing."

I have to disagree with what you said about people being drawn to RCT because they can build the perfect coaster. Personally, I like RCT for the park building ability, also. But you really can't build the perfect coaster because it won't allow you to build banked-inclined curves. It is so unrealistic to have to level off before curving, unless you want the high lateral G's encountered with the flat inclined curves available on some coasters.

The ability to ride your own coasters would be a cool feature, but it isn't what I would want the most.

*** This post was edited by SilverWinds on 2/15/2001. ***
What I would want is reasonable. I would want like a couple other people a slow down in time so you can have day/night. I would like to have the ride get stuck on hills or other areas. I would like to have main focus characters such as mickey mouse (only an example). What I mean by that is where you can actually like make your own entertainers Generically of course i.e. a mouse or goofy or a hippo. Well, let's just say I want even more entertainers. Also, banked incline turns and all that. Plus, Queueline themeing (best feature that I want).
I want to WALK in my park and so I could vist CP any time!

"Does anyone know what type of dog spot is?
A Cedar Pointer!"
There's a very old game made by Disney but I forgot the name.It was made somewhere around '93. Horrible graphics and really slow, but you could do just about anything with the track. You could choose the degree of the hill and banking. There were no immelmans, dive loops, or zero g rolls. It was kind of cool because you could ride your own rides, only it was like a car where you had to press a button for it to go. That was good and bad in some spots. After a while it got boring but it was very original and I wish they would have made a sequel with way better graphics, new elements, and different types of track.
Jack, who can't wait for opening day 2001...
An Aero 360 type ride, a Whip, Intamin style track, a diving loop, and immelman, a stand-up drop tower. I want many things. And I want my game to work properly. geeze.

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