What does LIM mean?

I feel pretty stupid for asking but, I really have no clue what LIM means of stands for. Can anyone truly give me the correct meaning.


Linear Induction Motor

"Superman" at MM uses a Linear Synchronous Motor


2368.9 miles from Cedar Point
Jeff's avatar
Can someone explain the difference between a LIM and an LSM (linear synchronous motor)?

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
I beleive LIM is for a single track ride and LSM for a dual track such as S:TE.

2368.9 miles from Cedar Point
well, i may not know what the difference is but i do know it doesn't have anything to do with the number of tracks.

I think LIM uses lasers and magnets in its launch like the Outer Limits coaster, and LSM just uses magnets all together like Superman: The Escape. Is that right, Jeff?


Jeff's avatar
It has nothing to do with the number of tracks. S:UE at SFO uses LSM's. They all use magnets. It has something to do with the way the magnets pulse on and off, but I don't know the specifics. Scott (ShiveringTim) knows, but he's in the middle of a west coast tour.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
The diffrence is this:
LIM- uses a magnetic field to push the train forward. More info on LIM at http://www.force.co.uk/
LSM- uses the magnets to push AND pull the train, this is more difficult becuase you have to synchronise (sp) the motors so that the one up front is pulling and the one behind is pushing.

I hope this is clear.
Also, LIM coasters use fins that are on the side of the actual coaster car and primarly Premier Rides uses them on their coasters. (Mr. Freeze, Joker's Jinx, Poltergeist)LSM coasters' fins, that run through the electromagnetic propulsion motors, are on the bottom of the cars. I think Vekoma and Itamin (spelling?) both use LSMs. (Superman the Escape, Superman Ultimate Escape, etc.)
Beastmaster:lasers have nothing to do w/the launch.

What's the difference between a LIM (S:TE) coaster and a LAUNCHED (HULK) coaster?
The placement has nothing to do with it. Premier just happens to put them on the side but Intamin puts theirs in the track (V:TBC and S:UE). Also the only rides that use LSM are Superman: The Escape, Tower of Terror (Dreamworld), Rock'n Rollercoaster and Superman at SFH.

CPgenius -The diffrence is that Hulk uses many tires that move very quickly to launch the car up the ramp.

I'll try to watch my abbr. for the newbies...
V:TBC- Volcano: The Blast Coaster at Paramount's Kings Dominion (sp)
S:UE - Superman: Ultimate Escape at Six Flags Ohio
SFH- Six Flags Holland

*** This post was edited by JeremyG on 4/26/2000. ***
Launched uses spinnig wheels to push the train up a hill.
This Is kind of Long But will sum it all up.
Sorry to Sound Like A Physics Teacher.

I am an electrician and can probably clear this up a little bit since I have a background in electrical engineering. For the most part a LIM and LSM are essentually the same in the way that they work. Induction vs. Synchronous refer to the way that the motor works(they are ways of inducing a magnetic field on the magnet that is on the trains)Induction: The magnetic field on the train is Induced from the magnet on the track as the train passes by. Synchronous: A magnetic field is present on the magnet on the train. The magnet on the train runs synchronous with the magnets on the track as it passes by.
So the difference between the LSM and a LIM is wether or not there is actually a magnet on the trains. We can see this by example: (LSM) Superman at SFMM has the magnets underneath the car. (LIM) Mr. Freeze at SFSTL has metal fins on the sides that are not magnets but allow a magnetic field to be induced in the metal fins.
The word motor is used on these roller coaster because in motor theory it is required that you have a moving magnetic field(the track) and a magnetic field to follow it (the train).
The Same theory is used in any electrical motor rather it be a Slot Car or huge Water pumps like the ones used to lift water to the high point on a raft ride. So for instance the Hulk wich uses several small electrical motors to rotate tires wich push the train up the incline or a regular old chain lift wich uses an electrical motor to turn the chain that lifts the train up the track the work that moves the train is all done using the same theory but is aplied in different ways.
The LIM/LSM uses it in a straight path. The Hulk uses electrical motors that use the theory in a rotation.
But all have their advantages and disadvantages.
I love the intense Launch on the launched
coasters but I also love the slow wait in anticipation as you clime a chain l昀琀⸀㰀戀爀㸀਀

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