What do you think of PGA's 2002 additions?

Personally, I think PGA did an okay job with its 2002 additions. I'm really excited about Delirium (KMG AfterBurner), which is a first for North America. But, I think PGA could have brought in at least one new coaster for 2002. A lot of people (including me) have said that 2002 would be the year that PGA would bring in 2 new coasters, but that's not going to happen after all. I would like to know your thoughts on PGA's 2002 additions and how this will affect its ongoing competition with SFMW.

Baby, I'm not always there when you call, but I'm always on time.

The Afterburner (which according to the picture on the website, it's not), is owned by at least two touring carnival companies in North America. I rode Reithoffer's (from Florida) in Pennslyvania. It's definitely a lot more exciting than some coasters I've been on, and it also has very strong G's.
SFA 2002-What are they building?
john peck's avatar
Delierium is not going to be a KMG. Rumor has it that it will be a Chance for it has eight sweeps holding 32 rather than the KMG model that has 6 sweeps and holds 24.

I also believe that here are one or two amusement parks that have the KMG.

I can't give you an opinion on this years additions until I find out moe about the flying Eagles....whether they are A: completely brand new, B: Relocated or C: A Chance Aviator. I am hoping for "A"

That flying eagle ride is most likely the one they removed at pkd 

speaking of paramount rides that have been removed  how about sending that flight trainer  I saw in storage at pkd  to carowinds, we need some flat rides  even crappy ones like that  

john peck's avatar
Well, they re-installed the flying Eagls at PKD this year when Hypersonic Opened
Sorry I didnt know that they had reinstalled  at pkd

Where in the park did they put them      and we could still use  some flat rides  here at carowinds  since paramount DID  give PGA our wave swinger

*** This post was edited by john13601 on 12/14/2001. ***

We got your wave swinger? Gotch I can't belive paramount is reducing our park to getting used rides! Oh well they look new! If they eagels are the kind that everyone worships then thats going to be awesome! Delirum looks like an even better improved frisbee like at SFMW! And that ride was awesome! So thats defently going to be a favorite. The Simulation movie looks liek another Stan Lee creation, more reason to get ewcited.


BUT PGA every sceence 1996 has follwood the even years in adding a major ride! We have gotten a new coaster every season sence 98! But This now makes it very likly we will get something great in 2003! The way I look at it is, I am not nearly boerd with PGA and have not gotten around to riding alot of the flat rides and haven't ridden the water rides sence I was young! So maybe next visit I'll ride em!


john peck's avatar
There is a rumor that PKD's Scrambler has been removed.
I'm happy with them because I can't wait to ride Delirium. I loved Tazmanian Devil at SFMW and an inverted version must be better. Flying Eagles look really fun even though I've only seen pictures.
"I’m more than a bird..I’m more than a plane...More than some pretty face beside a train...It’s not easy to be me"-Five for Fighting "Superman" dedicated to all of the hardworking rescuers of the WTC...
The wave swinger was refurbished a year or 2 before it was move out to your park  there may still be a panel on it creditting carowinds maitenance with the job     There was one  on it when it was here  
john peck's avatar
the Flying eagles at PKD are nowmoved to the other side of the skycoaster, closer to the log flume area. i only saw a picture of them, and havent been back to PKD since 2000.

PKD is apperantly getting a troika called TRIPLE SPIN. I hope its not from another Paramount Park. I think HUSS still make them. Its nice to see paramount buying more flats now, for thats a park chain that has really lacked in them over the past 10 years. Remember, Paramount only owns 20% of Canadas Wonderland, so thats why that park has so many more old flats than the other four parks.

According to Amusement Today:

- Delirium will be a Chance Revolution
- The Flying Eagles will be brand new, and manufactured by Larson.


I really hoped for a new coaster for PGA this year, a new woodie, but it looks like we're gonna have to wait for next year hopefully.  They need a coaster that lasts more than a minute, I mean seriously, all of their coasters are really short.  But they have a good variety.
janfrederick's avatar
Anybody know where they plan to install them?
"I'll bet that thing hits 5 Gs going through that loop.....faaar ooouut!"
I heard Delirium is near Greased Lightnin' but that's the only one i know.
"I’m more than a bird..I’m more than a plane...More than some pretty face beside a train...It’s not easy to be me"-Five for Fighting "Superman" dedicated to all of the hardworking rescuers of the WTC...
From the rumors I have heard, Delirium will be located where the old Action F/X Theater queue line was. As for the Flying Eagles, those will be located in the 50's area next to the American Grill.
Great American Thrills! Your unofficial guide to PGA!
john13601, the Flying Eagles were relocated across from the entrance to The Grizzly.
Until you get a parking space with your own name on it, you're still part of the GP.
Thank you  INTAMIN FAN     that area by the grizzly really needs to be opened up with new rides  I never reall understood why grizzly was tucked back there behind the arcade  with nothing else in all that open room 
john peck's avatar
Any clue whether or not they are removing any rides?

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