What do I predict?

I had pancakes for lunch. They were yummy.

I WILL marry The Legend. Please only refer to me now as Mrs. Legend.

HEY BOB!! you killed the mood!!!
*** This post was edited by ebeth 7/10/2003 4:29:11 PM ***
Just curious, How do you know my last name, Moosh?

Now I think You're the resident stalker!;) He is, btw, right. 10pts. to anybody else that's stalking me and knows my last name...

"Gee, I wish I was witty!";)

Well, Bob, you went from group sex and orgies to the 420 foot tall phallic symbol. COINCIDENCE?!?!? ;)

--George H
---Currency tracking experiment... http://www.wheresgeorge.com (Referring to The "George" on the $1 bill - Not Me)

OK well while I'm not stalking you I think I do know what your last name is...and it wasnt very hard to figure out....
I WILL marry The Legend. Please only refer to me now as Mrs. Legend.
I put my bet on a small little woodchucking animal.

I WILL marry The Legend. Please only refer to me now as Mrs. Legend.

Well, Mrs. Legend, now I'm scared....or happy, now it's like Cheers here, where "Everybody Knows your Name", even if I don't remember how Moosh got it, but oh well.

Dam, I love Wood;)(to all of you in the "know")

"Gee, I wish I was witty!";)

Tekno...It's not difficult to figure out - even I know...

So do you have buck-teeth?

--George H
---Currency tracking experiment... http://www.wheresgeorge.com (Referring to The "George" on the $1 bill - Not Me)

Mamoosh's avatar
Tekno - if you didn't want people to know your last name you shouldn't

a] have a personal webpage with your bio, and

2] have a link to that webpage in your Cbuzz profile.

You made it simple!

mOOSH [not a stalker, but I play one on TV]

A random Mooshter's Dawntionary listing: Balderdash [n.] - a rapidly receeding hairline.

As long as he continues to gnaw stuff, you'd never know 'bout his teef.

As for his "loving wood" comment.....nahhhhh, too easy.

The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.
*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya 7/10/2003 4:39:06 PM ***

Well, I know you can figure out now, but How did Moosh know in the first place, that's what I m interested in finding out. No, sorry, no buckteath, but I do have a large tail, and have been known to chew on wood............pencils in high school, that is, get your dirty minds outta the gutter. And Ebeth, shame on you! You're not supposed to know what sex is at 12;)

Anybody wishing to see me, I have a pic in my profile, and my AIM SN is NotoriousBVR, btw:)

Edit: Actually, Moosh, it dosen't bother me at all, I was just curious. I didn't think anybody even went to my website, I've not worked on it in months, but thanks!

I knew I'd get a Wood comment outta u, CPlaya!

"Gee, I wish I was witty!";)
*** This post was edited by TeknoScorpion 7/10/2003 4:40:53 PM ***

I say we set Tekno loose on Mean Streak and see if he can dam up the Causeway.

Mike Miller - Con-Quest 2003 pictures now available at http://photos.yahoo.com/bassistist

Dam, that was funny;)

"Gee, I wish I was witty!";)

Wait! I can't miss an orgy. Errr... I mean, I can't wait to read this article.

"The only thing that matters is just following your heart and eventually you'll get it right."

excuse me mister but i am almost 15....I'[m sure you knew a lot at that age.......=P
Mamoosh's avatar
Time for my 1:47pm PST update: I still hate you all!

A random Mooshter's Dawntionary listing: Balderdash [n.] - a rapidly receeding hairline.

*** This post was edited by Mamoosh 7/10/2003 4:46:46 PM ***

But we loooooooooooooooove you Mooshie-pie! ;) ;)

(barf) ROFLMAO

--George H
---Currency tracking experiment... http://www.wheresgeorge.com (Referring to The "George" on the $1 bill - Not Me)

moosh *still* mad...moosh *still* smash coasterbuzz...
It still Pisses me off that NO WHERE IN THE MOVIE Did he ever say that!! Darn Ang Lee and MARVEL movies!

"Gee, I wish I was witty!";)

Redman----better watch what you say..don't want to get 'grounded' from ERT again....;)

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