it's really bugging me: what coaster IS this? i've looked around on the 'Net but i cant seem to find it.
just curious is all...
here it is...
thanks in advance if anyone can help me!! *** Edited 12/4/2005 4:30:43 AM UTC by luvbono***
guess i just didnt dig deep enough at RCDB....
not like i'm gonna make it to Wales anytime soon...but still.
I do web searches all the time for defunct coaster info, and I know it can get a bit frustrating when the info isn't so easily attainable especially photos. I'm glad I could help you out.
BTW, I read that this park is a really good one with great rides. But I wonder why RCDB doesn't have the looping coaster listed even as a defunct coaster at the park. Maybe I should look again.
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