What An Intense Loop!

My last coaster of the 2001 season was the Revolution @ Libertyland in Memphis, TN, and I have to say that it was the most intense loop that I have ever experienced.  What is your most intense loop experience?
Wild Country USA is coming to Desoto County, Mississippi Memorial Day Weekend 2004! 5000 Acres and 8 operating world-class coasters on opening day! Do the words Giga, B&M, CCI, and Arrow 4D sound familiar?
Shockwave at SFGAm, on the third loop I would start to blackout everytime I rode it last season, except for when I rode it at Fright Fest for some reason.
My Top 5 Coasters:
1. Raging Bull(SFGAm) 2.Millenium Force(CP) 3. Deja Vu(SFGAm) 4.V2(SFGAm) 5.Cornball Express(IB)
X-flights loop.  Just plain awesome.
Boomerang at SFDL going backwards. It is just plain intense. Your head and upper body get pushed forward at it is just great!

Where has the magic gone in the name Disney?

Any Shwartzkoph.

*** This post was edited by Nate on 2/10/2002. ***

They don't come any more powerful than these due to being so circular... http://www.coastergallery.com/2001/AW17.html

There will probably never be loops built that strong again :(

well witz i must agree nothing kicked*****more that x flights loop especially in the ejection seat
I gotta hand it to the third loops on SGAdv GASM or SFGAm Shockwave.  Blackout material right there. 
I would have to say the 2nd vertical loop (the slightly tilted one) on Mantis...before they added the drop trims.  My knees have never felt the same since.
Ohio...so many coasters...
...so little summertime.
ACEerCG's avatar
Definitely the vertical loop on X-Flight for me. Wow oh wow was it good!

James Draeger
"Legend is a wooden Jesus"

Third loop on Shockwave holy cow, I think I saw God on that loop.
Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?

*** This post was edited by MagnumForce on 2/10/2002. ***

I LOVE going backwards through the boomerang loops!
Gravity knows no force, like Millennium Force. breathe. You have just broken ten world records.
Beyond coaster....Giga Coaster.


 I'd agree with Nate, Swartzkoaph (srry if it's mispelled!) designs were all intense loops, it's hard somewhat to keep those hands up in the loops or loop! ;)
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Ditto on Shockwave's third loop (SFGAm) and X-Flight's loop.  Also, does anybody remember Mantis's loop before the trims?  Made me black out almost every single time (in fact, that, I believe, is the reason why CP added trims).  Although I haven't ridden them, the loops on Shockwave at SFOT and Mindbender (Edmenton Mall) are supposed to be among the most intense anywhere.
"I'm just trying to find a decent melody...A song that I can sing in my own company."
- U2 - "Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of"
 Shockwave @ SFOT, was the one of the coasters I rode in January, that was the most intense Shwartzkoph coaster I rode! Especially in the loops! ;)
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Peabody said:
They don't come any more powerful than these due to being so circular... http://www.coastergallery.com/2001/AW17.html
There will probably never be loops built that strong again

Yeah, Isn't that ride closed for reasons that have nothing to do with the intensity of the loops?

Charles Nungester
Park Jockey :)

Going backwards on Greased Lightning, Shwarzkoph shuttle loop. When you go through the loop, it pushes your back forward, it is kinda undesribable, unlike any other coaster feeling. Pretty intense.
Going backwards on Face/Off at PKI.  Can you say "blackout"?:)
Bill Yost of Cincinnati, Ohio: Where we KNOW the Bengals suck!
I love going backwards through the loop on Greased Lighnin at PGA. The back seat provides the most intensity.

http://sixflagsthrills.tripod.com/sixflagsthrills visit for some great thrills!
"enough is enough"-?

Defently X Flights first loop!

Wild Thing: 75Laps! Power Tower: 73 Rides. 8Years Working at Valleyfair!

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