What if....Six Flags Worlds of Adventure moved the waterpark and kiddy park over to the marine side. This would create more space for traditional amusement rides especially coasters. Also, the water park and kiddyland wouldn't scare the animals like the bigger rides would. Also, the ex-sea world side would be more of a family-friendly place. The ex-Six Flags, ex-geauga lake side will have more room to expand.
Maybe they can build a ferris wheel and an observation tower on the marine side too. Also, a train/monorail system around the whole lake would be really cool and easy on the feet. What if they purchased more ferries and had a ferry across the lake to the other side. That would kind of be like Euclid Beach and Cedar Point used to be with the ferries from Cleveland.
What about this for a crazy idea. A giant giga coaster that starts in bainbridge and crosses into aurora, but instead of turning around and going back to Brainbridge, it will conitnue through ex-sea world underground in a tunnel. A tunnel for so long would be boring, so maybe have tunnels that start underground then have a small bunny hop hill and go back underground without the trains ever seeeing sunlight. This would keep the peaceful atmosphere of sea world, but satisfy our coaster craving.
Also, what if SFWoA built a recreation of Thriller at Defunct Eucliud Beach Park. It would be a relatively cheap coaster to build (by today's standards) and it wouldn't take up much space. It would certainly draw tons of people from the Cleveland area. The park would be acclaimed everywhere for bringing back such a great coaster. In addition, it would give SFWoA the upperhand against CP.
What are your ideas about SFWoA?
www.geocities.com/coasting_ohio for Real/Defunct/mini coasters and parks
*** This post was edited by Coasting_Ohio on ⼀㤀⼀㈀ ⸀ ⨀⨀⨀ഀഀഀ ⨀⨀⨀ 吀栀椀猀 瀀漀猀琀 眀愀猀 攀搀椀琀攀搀 戀礀 䌀漀愀猀琀椀渀最开伀栀椀漀 漀渀 ㈀⼀㤀⼀㈀ ⸀ ⨀⨀⨀