What a eventful day at SFEG! 5/11/02

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Well, here is my TR on my day at SFEG, this is only my second TR so give me a break.

I got to the park about 9:45 and saw testing on TFC. There was only one train at that time on the track but 4 or 5 when I left.

Twister II was our first ride of the day, got front row and rode that twice. Made a trip to boomerang after that and than rode some flats and waited about a hour for the Mind Eraser.

The wheater started to get bad so we went inside for a bit, than rode some more flats before heading back on over to Twister II. While waiting for Twister II we encountered a big delay thanks to either a valley or a lift problem, I couldn't tell. But it could have easily been a valley considering the wheater.

After we finally rode Twister II we walked back over to the other side of the park and noticed that Boomerang had valled. Not inbetween the corkscrews but after the vertical loop. The left it there for about 4 hours before fixing it later that night, but it didn't re-open.

Rode some more flats in the freezing cold before getting three more laps on Mind Eraser in the freezing cold. Than went back over to Twister II and rode it 5 times before they kicked us out.

I was really angry to the fact that the hours were clearly listed 10-10 and they closed at 8:45. There were not many guests left but I still think they should have kept it open for those who were there.

But all and all, it was a good day. The wheater sucked from 3 on, but got better as night came. I probably got in 30 to 40 rides thanks to all my laps on Twister II(8 total). I got my coaster fix with 14 laps total of all the coasters combined.


Sweet! What flats do they have there? I know there are wuite a few. Did you ride Tower Of Doom? Seems like Mind Eraser still is the crown jewel of the park.

X-Flight World's Only flying coaster!
Batwing World's only flying coaster!
S:UF World's only flying coaster! Don't you love SF ?

They do have quite a few flats for how small the park is. I didn't get a chance to ride Tower of Doom, I was waiting until night and then I was waiting for a small line and when we saw there was no line we ran to it, but of course it was closing so that sucked. They were running all three sides of it most of the day, than they just switched to one side.

Mind Eraser is definilty the most popular coaster there. But the lines for Tower of Doom get long very quickly!

I used to bag on SFEG and Twister II, but this year I am really learning to get used to it, just thought I would put that out there for anyone who cares...


And I forgot, they started to fill up Disaster Caynon and they had some boats near the station.


Glad you had a good day! Just one thing I thought you were talking about a wheat-er the first time you said that. Use spell check because it is spelled *weather*.

Good Times!! Good Times!!

Thanks for the report. How was Mind Eraser running?
SFEG awaits The Flying Coaster-coming in 2002!
It was great! It was running both trains, the picture booth was on, just like it should be. Of course it was kinda rough but worth the wait. I think that the SLC is a great layout, it would be interesting to see what kind of reviews it would get if made by B&M.

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