Western NY, part 1--Seabreeze 7/15/01

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While in the Rochester area to visit my girlfriend's family, she decided to take me to her two homeparks, Seabreeze and Six Flags Darien Lake.

We rolled into town after the 8 hour drive from DC and headed straight to Seabreeze. I didn't quite know what to expect from this park. I knew it was small, but I just didn't realize how small it really was!

My first ride was on the classic Jackrabbit. The first thing that amazed me about this ride was that there was only one operator for it. The same guy collected ride tickets, loaded the station, slowed the train on the check brakes, stopped it in the station, checked the lapbars, and dispatched the train. I was amazed that he could do all of it. Anyway, it was truly a fun ride. The bunny hops and the tunnel helix at the end were a blast. The only thing that disappointed me about this ride was the fiberglass cars. Coming from the coaster traditions of Kennywood and Idlewild, the fiberglass cars just didn't seem to belong there.

I made sure my next ride was on the Flying Scooters. These are still a blast. I have missed them ever since the Phantom Phlyers were moved from Kennywood to Lake Compounce.

Next was the Quantum Loops. This ride was rather interesting. The lift hill mechanism amazed me. Rather than the chain dog under the train catching the lift chain, there is a piece of metal on the chain that pushes the train up the hill. Anyway, the ride was fun. I especially liked the turning first hill and the numerous handchoppers throughout the ride.

The next stop, and last roller coaster for the day was the Bobsleds. Who knew that the little bobsleds could be so much fun?!? These were a blast. I took the front seat and my girlfriend took the back seat and we laughed and smiled throughout the ride. The final brake/conveyor belt mechanism at the end of the ride fascinated me, as did the interesting station brakes. All in all, it was a really fun ride.

We rounded out our evening with a rides on the Sea Dragon (swinging ship), Yo Yo (swing ride), Gyrosphere (indoor scrambler), and Crazy Cups (miniature teacups). I have never been on a swinging ship that went as high as the Sea Dragon--it produced insane amounts of airtime.

Finally, we rode the carousel. I have a soft spot for classic wood carousels. When I heard that Seabreeze's classic carousel burned down a few years ago, I didn't know what to expect about its replacement. But the new carousel blew me away. It is one of the most beautiful ones I have ever seen. The detail on the horses is amazing, and each of them has something different. One has small lizards and butterflies. Another has the world on it. They were all amazing. Seabreeze did a fantastic job with their new carousel!

Although Seabreeze is such a small park, I still had a blast. I would highly recommend their Night Rider tickets. After 5 pm you get unlimited rides and slides at the water park for only $10.

Our next stop was Darien Lake . . . .
Good to hear you had fun. I was also amazed at the odd mechinical devices that they use to run those rides! Very different. The Bobsleds were my favorite ride there.


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