Wedding on Stratosphere's Big Shot!

I was thinking about renting out the big shot for my wedding,. We would go through the whole ceremony with my and my soon to be wife, and when the priest says "i now Pronounce you husband and wife", we would blast of. That would be cool. we both are ride enthusiasts, so it would be great for us both. or, rent out the supreme scream, and have the priest over a stereo system doing the ceremony and when the preiest says i now pronounce you husband and wife, we drop. thAT WOULD BE TIGHT, TELL MeWHAT YOU THINK
I say go for it!!! You only get married once(well, supposed to) so do it with style. Congrats with your future wife.
I recommend Big Shot. That way you can say you got married on the top of the world! Geeze that's a scary ride! I rode it when I was 10 and I almost fainted! :)

We're not White, Black, Hispanic, or Asian. We're American!

Either that or Oblivion (maybe if someone was getting re-married they could ride Deja Vu)...j/k, LOL..Congrats to you and your future bride! 
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!
Does Supreme Scream only launch down or does it launch up too?  (sorry to stray from the subject)
"Get off of my moor you michtevous weeins." We prefer to stay" (eyes begin glowing) "Your thinking of hurting us." "Now your thinking, how did they know what I was thinking?" " But now your thinking, I hope that's Shepards Pie in my knickers"
I say don't do it! I will be down hill from there...    j/k
What is hateful to you, do not to your fellowman. That is the entire law; all the rest is commentary. -The Talmud

*** This post was edited by DWeaver on 10/22/2001. ***

RollrCoastr00 said:
Does Supreme Scream only launch down or does it launch up too?  (sorry to stray from the subject)

All 3 towers are Turbo Drops, meaning they shoot down.

What an amazing wedding!

Have you been on Big Shot before? Your in for one hell of a ride if you havn't....

Alan Jacyszyn
- Your #1 source for all the latest Darien Lake 2002 expansion information!

Yeah, i have been on it, 5 times the same night.
CPLady's avatar
I wonder if it's ever been done before? Being Vegas, extreme weddings are the thing. I'd go for it. In fact, I'd bet the Strat would LOVE the idea and publicity that would go along with it.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Cool idea, but you might have trouble because an amusement ride is not an appropriate place for a Catholic sacramental wedding. (and I assume that's what you're looking for, otherwise why the priest?)

A bad day at Cedar Point is better than a good day at work.

CPLady's avatar
You'd be suprised what catholic priests in Vegas will do. I saw a special on Vegas weddings on the Discovery channel, and there was at least one priest (not minister) who officiated weddings in a hot air balloon, why not on the platform of the Big Shot?

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

that sounds great am i invited? lol i say go for it that would be cool to be atop the world by the time you finesh saying "i do".
yes mighty mouse you are invited ;) i am catholic, so thats why i have a priest.

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