WDW Updates- Soarin' & LMAX

The Mole's avatar
LMAX- Lights, Motors, Action Extreme Stunt Show (came from a Disney survey)

Hey guys! It seems that Disney has REALLY improved the look of the land recently...


As you can see, they have removed the ridged side walls and geometric paths and have replaced them with more natural, almost Wilderness Loge-ie type path and plants. New sign looks cool too. The ballons in the middle are back, now with a 4 seasons theme. From what we can tell, it seems that The Land has mostly been left alone, the inside has been polished, as is the outside, and the whole travel theme hasn't happened... yet.

Soarin' had some CM previews last week, seems that the ride is the same as in DCA. The que line is said to be look a lot like a futuristic airport, with nice walls and TVs hanging. This theme is re-affirmed with the new Soarin' uniforms, which look like a cross between that train engineer from Thoma's The Train Engine and a 70's pilot uniform. Now, unfortunatly, once you split off to either the left or right theaters, the old DCA themeing takes over. You go from the airport to it's basement. Uck. As for the preshow, everything is the same, only they changed the name of the ride, and they got Patrick back to say the new name and ending, so instead of having a good day at DCA, it's Epcot.

At LMAX, they went through their first guest previews this weekend.


All the stunt's wern't in yet, and they were still getting timing down. No word on the jet skis yet, and they huge car jump into the audience (well, not INTO them, but, well, you get the idea) wasn't in yet, but from what I have heard, the show is really cool, but it has suffered a bit from pacing issues, which will probably be resolved when it opens for real next month. Thankfully the cool set from Paris is there in full, and the horrible que line is there too! Yay!

Now, to that bastard of a ride, Stitch's Great Escape.

New rumors point to some suttle changes to the ride and show. There is now some children's voices added to the soundtrack that help points out what's happening ("Stitch is running away!" "He's trying to escape!" etc) and to help calm down the kiddies a bit. A new ending is there too, but from what I have heard and seen, it still sucks.

Everest is doing good too, nothing new there. Small World is going to open soon, and boy, I hate that ride, but this new refurbishment will be sweet!

Thanks for the updates. I'm really looking forward to both of those attractions!

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