WCUSA update??

I saw in an old topic that WCUSA around Memphis had to start construction by yesterday "because thats when the building permits commensement date lapses." Does anyone have an update for this project? Chris Godsey, are you around?
Sorry, I just had to laugh when I noticed you bumped this topic. How odd that Mr. Godsey is silent on the subject.
SRM 2003-Look for the guy with my name on his chest

Sorry guys Chris aint around here no more. But i talk to him quite often, from what i gather the project is waiting for funds to come in.
Join Rideworld, and tell them that coaster-freak sent you!!!
BullGuy's avatar
Funds to come in, eh?

Never Has Gravity Been So Uplifting.

Um, yeah, does anyone else get the vibe this won't happen? It seems too good to be true... but I'm not familiar with the entire backstory...
*** Sorry about that. Got carried away. If you want, you can go over to thrillride and get Chris's e-mail and ask him in private. There is not need to bring this subject back up.

What do I think? To those who actualy think he "made it up" I highly doubt that. I am sure that it would be hard to get that much funding though. I have heard stories like this all around SW Missour, and that is just SW Missouri... 2 parks have failed in the past 3 or 4 years. Branson USA, the Reeds Spring Theme Park, and the Agricultural park that they were planning on building this year outside of Springfield.
*** This post was edited by CoasterBill 5/4/2003 12:29:06 AM ***

The are currently waiting on the state of Mississippi to re route the highway that runs down the middle of the property. The state has several other road construction projects that are more important than this one, and when the others are completed, look for WCUSA to begin construction.

**Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant? I'm halfway through my fish burger and I realize, Oh my gosh....I could be eating a slow learner.**

Damn! Shocking. Titanfan13 isn't around anymore either, so we can't ask him how his park is doing.
You've got to have major political and economic clout to get a state to reroute a highway. This project doesn't seem to have it. Also, if the property is as huge (mulitple square miles) as advertised, why can't they build the park on one side of the highway?
From what I've heard, from Chris Godsey himself, the road divides the land that the park will be built on in half. The man that owns the land will complete the sell once the road is re-routed. The highway re-routing has already been approved by everyone involved that I know of. The state has A LOT of road work currently underway that is way more important in their eyes to complete first. Don't look for anything to happen until several of the other road construction sites are nearing an end. Which doesn't appear to be in the near future. It seems everywhere I drive there is always road work going on.

**Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant? I'm halfway through my fish burger and I realize, Oh my gosh....I could be eating a slow learner.**

That's garbage. Cities/towns BEG developers to bring in tourism dollars. Rerouting a road has been done for shopping centers, much less "giant" amusement parks. The state of Mississippi has to be desperate for any type of money, and I'm sure would be more than willing to reroute a road, give massive tax abatements, etc...provided there was actually a plan to build something worthwhile after the road was moved.
SRM 2003-Look for the guy with my name on his chest
Not too long ago, in the Memphis Business Journal, they had an article about how the park was too bold with their goals and never had the funding to lift off of the ground. One of my coaster friends who lives in the area told be about it.


Maybe the Coaster Preservation Fund can jump in and get this park off the ground. ;)

ray p. (in a very sarcastic mood today)

Kick The Sky's avatar
This whole thing was probably some crap that Chris Godsey made up. The park is nothing more than Vaporware. It doesnt exist, never will, never was going to.

Bob Hansen
Resident Airtime Whore

If you have $100,000,000 of capital to build an amusement park or major mall, the local government will be happy to reroute roads, etc. They may require some contribution from the developer even then in many cases. Taxes abatements are easy to get since they only reduce the taxes paid after the development is done. Up front money from the government is much harder to get.

From everything I can tell, WCUSA is lots of big dreams and no capital.

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