Ways to improve PKI (Long)

I was thinking of some ways to improve PKI, i know it is a fairly decent park, and that some of the ideas would not likely happen, so anyone thats gets offended, do be, this is just for fun....

First: Outer Limits, take out all the old restraints and put in softer ones. That would make the ride a lot better.

Next: Have the Racer race again, always
Keep the Beast, a classic, Keep the Vortex , PKI's signature rides.

Now this is where the fun starts(i know this may never happen it's my imagination)

Face/off: Tear down the Vekoma Invertigo,
and since i like the Face/off name and concept (the movie kicked *Ahem*) now put in a B&M Dueling Inverted coasters ( like Dueling Dragons and IOA) and have at least 5-6 near collisions, and have them each do 6-8 inversions. and there you have Face/off.

Now to King Cobra: Tear this down and put in a B&M Stand Up coaster, Much higher, more inversions, more speed, same station, same area, same colors. Now you could call this ride "King Cobra 2K" or "Cobrastrike"

I like Top Gun the suspended coaster but how bout this. Tear the suspended coaster put in a Stealth coaster. Wouldn't that fit the Top Gun mood better.

You wanted Days of Thunder to come back?
How bout a 435 foot Reverse Shuttle Coaster(like Superman The Escape at SFMM), and have trains themed after NASCAR stock cars

That all i can think for now...post what you think id really appreciate it
Well, that sounds awesome. Too bad that would never happen. Sounds cool.
I would keep all of those rides and use some PKI's extra room for the new roller coasters. I would rename Face/Off, like AD said and use the dueling inverted idea for the Face/Off name. I would also destroy WaterWorks and buy the nearby Beach waterpark and run shuttle busses to it. That would free up room for some more coasters. I would also have worthy rides, not shortcuts to get at a record (ex. Face/Off).
As far as I've seen they actually have been racing the racers all year long.

I think they need another major sitdown, ordinary, steel looping coaster, whether it's b&m, morgan, I don't really care as long as it's good.

Face/Off was not meant to up the "coaster count." It is a top-selling catalog coaster that alot of parks have purchased. "Short" does not equal "Bad Ride." In fact some people actually enjoy this ride. I do.

I'd actually like to see another wooden coaster. Not a record breaker or anything, just a good wooden coaster.

Then there is always the arrowBATic. Ah, we can only dream.
I like the idea of the B&M Dueling INverted coasters and naming it Face/OFF, you then could rename the current Face/OFF "Invertigo". And if they added a B&M Stand-Up, I think they should theme it after some sort of Paramount Movie, It would be great if they could theme it after Mission Impossible, but you know that Tom Cruise wants a bunch of money just to use the name. Paramount is coming out with a movie version of Tomb Raider in the next year, so that could work to. And I like the idea of a Stealth being themed to Top Gun.
Good ideas... just keep the coasters they already have, even the not so good ones.

Improve the food. Happy stomachs = happy, repeat customers.
They should add a TA2K and name it Faceoff.That coasters a trip,when it launches forward you can actually feel the cheeks on your face snap back.If PKI or any of its sister parks do add this type of coaster I really hope they find a way to reduce the noise of the launch.
Better yet name it the Screamin Demon:),and dump the FaceOff(lame movie anyways)title all together.Just dont mess with the Invertigo I think its a great ride.
1) Landscaping: Some areas are in dire need of work, but seems like it hasn't been touched in years. The entrance is great, but can be reworked.
2) Widen some of the walkways. On busy days, there is more log jams than in the Ohio river during flood season.
3) Food is terrible. I would bring my own, but you know how PKI is about that. It's an awful day when your stomach doesn't want to ride the Beast the 3rd or 4th time.
4) Coasters: Remove King Cobra, build something new. That thing is crap. Face/Off, you can take it or leave it....me...leave it. It's not worth a 30 min. wait.
5) Add a few flat rides out by the Vortex and Top Gun. I said a few...just one or two.
6) Last, but not least. As Ricardo Montebaum said, "Smiles, everyone, smiles..." I never get one from PKI employees.

There's nothing like a woodie...
I would love all this!!! Too bad PKI is stupid enoguh not to do this!!!
Hey everyone i just thought of something, instead of a ride like Superman The Escape, put in a Thrust Air 2k, ride, call it "Days of Thunder" and then theme the area to racetrack, now have the trains look like stock cars.
I'd turn Rivertown into a horror movie section. I'd like to see a "Sleepy Hollow" movie themed rollercoaster or a "Friday the 13th" themed coaster, and have that Shriek House haunted house that they were going to have last year and open it in the coming years. I also would like to see them expand behind the Racer and OL:FOF, and use that 200 acres of undeveloped land and maybe call it Kings Island Classics. They could put a Stealth coaster back there and name it "THE BAT", a B&M floorless coaster and name it the "SCREAMIN' DEMON", add a couple of flat rides with the old names like "Skylab" and "Flying Dutchman".

Also get a B&M inverted coaster like Top Gun: the Jetcoaster at Carrowinds and call it "Vertigo", A steel hypercoaster called "Kothoga" (the monster from the movie "The Relic"),and after that I wouldn't care what they get fom then on.

Do you think PKI reps. read these posts? I hope so, but probably not.


Can you take me higher? (CREED) *** This post was edited by THE BEASTmaster on 6/15/2000. ***
Soggy's avatar
Great thoughts, AD, but why tear down a coaster if there is room to expand?

I think Top Gun could stay, but maybe lengthen the track, add another lift hill. It is already a great suspended coaster, a dying breed, so don't trash it.

Also, don't tear down Face/Off, just figure out a way of making this thing have more riders per hour. That seems to be the major complaint about the ride, capacity,

As for King Cobra... can you say Ebay? Put this dinosaur up for auction and maybe make a good down payment on a new B&M stander. I am sure that there are a few smaller parks that would love to add a ride like this to their midway. I like keeping the cobra theme for the new coaster.

As for Paramount ever seeing these suggestions... I wouldn't bet on it. As for Paramount ever actually TAKING these suggestions seriously... GET REAL!! They have their plan all drawn out for years to come, any new plans would require a HUGE out-pouring of dollars on their part, and we all know that money does not come OUT of that park, just in!!

Gotta ride 'em all!
IMO Ether fix SOB, or tear it down. Way too Rough, and Ive been out it since they fixed it.
Personally, I love Son of Beast. Smoothness is not an element I look for on a wooden coaster. SOB and Timberwolf are my favorite 'terrifying' woodies. The Viper at SFGrAm is my favorite wooden with lots of airtime. That's the great thing about coasters, each provides a different experience from the next. Steel coasters are what I goto for speed and intesity, and I expect them to be smooth. What PKI needs is a really big inverted coaster to balance things out.
Everyone seems to think big in this type of discussion. Personally I'd be happy with a few simple maneuvers.

#1 - Remove Kobra, in it's place add some FLAT rides. A B&M replacement here would be far too short since it has no room to run (SOB and ADV EXPRESS took care of that land). Maybe a Chaos and and Aero 360 type ride. Put their entrances on the ADV EXPRESS side of walkway to alleviate the Action Zone traffic.

#2 - If Stealth or Arrowbatic do come to the park, put them in the area of the old antique cars and pond just east of Eiffel tower. Removal of the cars is eventual anyway since one side is shut down. This area is largely unused.

#3 - Replace the King's Mills flume with a Journey to Atlantis style water coaster. The ride would please both roller coaster enthusiasts and log flume people easily, and could still be called the second flume. Even if it IS based on Nickelodeon theme (which I hate the idea of), it would still be a great ride.

#4 - Whoever said the 'buy the Beach waterpark and shuttle people to it' is absolutely correct. Get back a ton of land that way.

#5 - Develope the land that the line to White Water Canyon takes up and move the entrance to that ride. It's pitiful that you have to walk a mile to the ride in the first place through UNDEVELOPED LAND!!!! ARGH!

#6 - Build a freakin B&M machine!!!! I can't stress this enough. These things live and breathe capacity! If I had my way (thus the topic), I'd put a 225-250 foot steel hyper (Apollo's Chariot type) out and back that runs from Nickelodeon/ White Water Canyon line area, back to the Beast (behind Keatons Keel Boats -there is some room before hitting the residential road back there- thus the out-and-back and not a Raging Bull type twister). This will do two things. Allieveate traffic in Action Zone and Coney Mall, and give the park something it doesn't have, a hyper steelie with capacity.

#7 - If an arrowbatic or stealth doe 挀漀洀攀Ⰰ 戀爀椀渀最 戀愀挀欀 琀栀攀 䈀愀琀 渀愀洀攀⸀ 倀䬀䤀Ⰰ 礀漀甀 漀眀渀 琀栀攀 爀椀最栀琀猀 琀漀 琀栀攀 渀愀洀攀Ⰰ 唀匀䔀 䤀吀℀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀⌀㠀 ⴀ 䄀渀搀 昀椀渀愀氀氀礀Ⰰ 爀攀搀甀挀攀 琀栀攀 昀攀攀猀 漀渀 琀栀漀猀攀 ✀瀀愀礀 愀猀 礀漀甀 瀀氀愀礀✀ 愀琀琀爀愀挀琀椀漀渀猀 愀渀搀 昀漀漀搀 瀀爀椀挀攀猀⸀ 吀栀攀礀 洀愀欀攀 最漀漀搀 攀渀漀甀最栀 愀洀漀甀渀琀猀 漀昀 洀漀渀攀礀 漀渀 愀搀洀椀猀猀椀漀渀 愀猀 椀琀 椀猀⸀⸀⸀⸀⸀最椀瘀攀 唀匀 猀漀洀攀 挀漀渀挀攀猀猀椀漀渀猀⸀㰀戀爀㸀਀㰀戀爀㸀਀吀栀愀琀✀猀 愀氀氀 椀琀 眀椀氀氀 琀愀欀攀 䤀䴀䠀伀⸀ 吀漀漀 戀愀搀 椀琀 眀愀猀 愀氀氀 愀 ✀䈀漀戀戀礀 椀猀 椀渀 琀栀攀 猀栀漀眀攀爀✀ 䐀愀氀氀愀猀 搀爀攀愀洀⸀
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