Watch "CNN Tonight" at 10:00

...To see what looks like another blow to the amusement industry.
I hope its some good news for a change. Amusement Parks are definitely the best thing that ever happened to entertainment in the great outdoors. I would choose riding a rollercoaster at Cedar Point any day, than packing a picnic lunch for a camping trip.
10:00 Eastern time, right?
"We are no longer the knights who say Ni! We are now the knights who say eckyeckyeckyeckypakungloopoingengzourjin." "Ni"
It didn't say, but I'm assuming it it eastern time.
Alright, so what happened on the show? Enquiring minds want to know!!!!

Chitowns 6 year old daughter says "Daddy, Dippin Dots are nasty!!" I must say that I agree!!
They tried to say how amusement parks are bad and everthing. The main thing was some kid who got brain damage on the Roger Rabbit ride at Disneyland. We all know that Disney is one of the most unsafe places in the world! At least they had people defending amusement parks, too.

KoЯn Rules! I just came out to feed!
lol brain damage im sorry for the kid but thats a new one. well the roger rabbit ride sure can spin a lot if you want it too. so possibly all the dizziness made him messed in the head.
The kid somehow got out of the car and pinned underneath. It wasn't a ride induced stress.

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