Current owners having no luck after a year of trying to sell it. Article briefly discusses Walt as a child including a picture of him in front of the house in Chicago.
My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.
Should have D23 announce its for sale. Someone will buy it then.
Makes sense for Disney/D23 to do something with it as part of their Walt Museum. Surprised they haven't. Granted Walt Disney wasnt in it long but still a part of his history.
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I am surprised he is having this hard of a time selling this house even if it doesn't have the Disney attachment to it. $199,000 for this size house seems reasonable.
Now with Disney being involved, you would think this is a steal.
Oh well, most people don't recognize Walt being from Chicago it seems.
My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.
Raven-Phile said:
You wanna go halvsies, Ken?
That would certainly paint a bigger Disney Dork target on us.. :)
Hmmmmmm..... ::checks savings account::
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I knew you were going to say that..
Ive heard your rants for property values.. I worry I get it and it continues downward.
But I guess at some point it has to turn around right? Im just not used to that.. But I live in a fairly major military/tourist area which really has been sheltered economically.
Let me know when you hit the low 20s Jeff :)
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Maybe toss a set of mouse ears on the roof as well?
Coaster Junkie from NH
I drive in & out of Boston, so I ride coasters to relax!
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