Wally World

My brother bought National Lampoon's Vacation the other day on dvd. It was actually funnier than I had remembered because I had seen it on TV so many times. Anyway, my question is: Was the Wally World segment filmed at SFMM? I thought that it was, but am not real sure.
We should start some sort of pinned topic titled "Top 10 Questions Answered!!" or something. It could be like:

1) Yes, it's SFMM in "Vacation."
2) No, CP doesn't have a space problem.
3) S:TE is whatever you want it to be.
4) The superiority of SFMM or CP is subjective.
5) You should rent a car in L.A.
6) No, Coasterbuzz Games is not going to become free again.
7) No, SFWoA isn't getting anything next year.
8) No, M:TR is not funny anymore.
9) No, M:TR was never funny.
10) No, no one really has any idea what CoasterPlaya is talking about.


[url="http://www.livejournal.com/users/denl42"]My blog[/url] You said, "I'm gonna run you down." I heard, "I'm an orangutan."
Wow. That sums up every off-season thread I've sen so far this winter. Awesome job, Den!

However, I'd like to add a few things to the list:

11) TTD is not getting all of its train theming back.
12) TTD is not going to be getting an addition.
13) Magnum is not sinking.
14) Popup blockers are taboo. Don't use them here... but if you do use one don't tell anyone.
15) Yes, NoLimits has a steep learning curve and no, we won't teach you how to use it in "5 easy steps."

Gemini's avatar
I always thought that they should have filmed "Vacation" at CP. After all, it is a better park than SFMM (even with it's space problem, being on a peninsula and all). Besides, any park that claims that S:TE is a roller coaster doesn't deserve to have a movie filmed there - no matter how easy it is to rent a car to get around. Of course, in the future, they could film at the Six Flags park in Ohio. They're supposed to be getting a hypercoaster next year. Ha ha - just kidding. The thought of SFWoA getting a new coaster is about as funny as M:TR.

CoasterPlaya will back me up on this. In the meantime, I've got to IM Jeff to see what he thinks about making CoasterBuzz Games available for all users.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz

rollergator's avatar
True on all counts D3/\/, except for #9. M:TR definitely had its day in the sun, but most of the TRULY bad humor was kept out of the forums....some of the CPG e-mails had me in stitches though...;)

Just for clarification, Screamie Meemie (sp?) aka, Colossus, was running SLUGGISH on Sunday, but at least it wasn't too rough, just boring.

Whipper Snapper, aka Revolution, was actually BETTER than the last few rides I remember, still an absolute abomination of an Anton masterpiece, but not QUITE as much headbanging...(it' true Brian, it really has been considerably WORSE in recent times, LOL). The good part is we'll get to Spring Fling soon enough, and we can dream about what a great coaster Revolution must have been in its heyday...;)

...bill, got his Wallly World antlers at the Mooseburger Lodge...:)

P.S. Ignore the sig, I thought I had fixed it already...;) *** Edited 3/9/2004 7:16:14 PM UTC by rollergator***

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

Mamoosh's avatar
MTR, not funny? So why is it people always point and laugh when they see it?

mOOSH ;)

It's because of the rumored (lack of) size of the train.. ;) hahaha
jkpark's avatar
Since we're expressing opinions about what ideal park Clark should have took the family...National Lampoon's Vacation should have been filmed at Idora Park in Youngstown, Ohio. ;)

I also like Gemini's suggestion as well. It would have been cool to shoot the movie at CP. Just to look back and think of how far the park came from 1983.

-Uncle Jay

rollergator said:
Just for clarification, Screamie Meemie (sp?) aka, Colossus, was running SLUGGISH on Sunday, but at least it wasn't too rough, just boring.

Amen to that "..just boring." I remember when I went out there, I was lookng forward to riding it. To me, it's an oversized kiddie coaster. *** Edited 3/9/2004 7:41:45 PM UTC by coasterdudeOH***

Mamoosh said:
MTR, not funny? So why is it people always point and laugh when they see it?


Quite Possibly the Funniest M:TR quote I've heard in a year, and of course, it comes from the man himself.

I think those, as well as some others(pancakes, CPO, etc...) should all be included in some FAQ file on this site...:)

Adding to Michael and Den's List

17. A "mouse" coaster is defined by the park, not enthusiasts.

18. Dorney Park has trees, however young and sparse they may be.

19. Magic Mountain was featured in the opening spiel for the sitcom "Step by Step"

20. The pancake saga is hella corny, don't bother asking about it.

Fate is the path of least resistance.

Sorry that this turned out to be a repeat. I did a little searching and didn't find anything. But, before anyone says it, obviously I didn't search long enough. But, thanks for humoring me anyway. Great Movie. I loved Clark's idea of parking at the back of the lot so they could be the first ones out.
Yeah. Another great movie that had a scene filmed in magic mountain was Spinal Tap. If you have never seen it go rent it now.
Wasn't part of Encino Man filmed at Magic Mountain also?
Yes it was, not to mention Rollercoaster.
Additions to the topic list:
How can I become a roller coaster designer?
Can there be an "anything" forum?

-Matt in Iowa
As corny as this sound ,that's my alltime favorite movie. When I went to SFMM last july I ran to the gates with Chariots of Fire theme in my head. Also me and my wife got our picture taken by Whipper Snapper exit like we were under arrest. :)

The Golden Rule - Try it once and if you don't like you don't have to go on again!
Did you also carry a BB Gun with you and punch Bug's Bunny (substitute for Marty Moose) in the nose? :)

My favorite MJ tune: "Billie Jean" which I have been listening to alot now. RIP MJ.

jkpark's avatar
Sorry, the park is closed. The rabbit out front should have told you! :)

-Uncle Jay

Don't forget to add the ever popular

"Yes, your park deserves a new coaster more than any other park, since all others are spoiled and yours is ignored."

Don't ever underestimate the psycho factor in my head Winner of the 5th (and 6th) Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence

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