VIP Treatment - Canada's Wonderland Sneak Preview Night!

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Lots of complaints?

So I wanted to let the COO know about a problem. Big deal. In my guest comment at KI, I also complemented the park.

And yes, I was an international guest. I crossed a border to get there. Even if I wouldn't have gotten on the ride, I probably would have still had fun. I had fun at the park in 2007, when I combined a trip to the park with a business trip.

El Gato Coastro,

While Ontario is great, I have to admit that folks from Newfoundland and Labrador are really cool. I have not been up there, but would love to visit some day. I had some cool customers up there, and their accent is just cool.

Back to Ontario, I think the TTC strike was really not cool. They should have given 48 hours notice like I think they promised. Was everything back to normal on Monday?


Mewfies are great people. I used to work with a number during my uni days.

Coastaplaya is correct to a degree. But it is mostly directed to Torontonians. People would give me a weird stare in Vancouver, if I told them I was from Toronto. But we are used to that.
The strike was a surprise for everyone, even the TTC employees. That is what happens when you have a bad union leader. I am pro labour, this strike did not help the Union at all.
The TTC was back to normal on Sunday evening.

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