Villain Stapling

Anyone else here think the ride ops were told to staple us in on WoA's Villain?

I just got back from Cleveland Clinic Day (park was jammed---ALL rides ran max. capacity) and both of my rides I was stapled in. This has been a frequent occurance all season.

Mongoose said:
"Anyone else here think the ride ops were told to staple us in on WoA's Villain?

Yup ;)

Rollercoasters are the secret of life!
Stapled, I dont. Just dont make it noticable. Move up a little so your fat park of your leg is where the bar is. And if they push it down. Just scoot back and you get good room.
I try that, but 9 times out of 10, they tell me to sit up and put my feet flat on the floor.
I have slouched down and left a lot of room, and they keep telling me to sit up and then they push the bar ALL the way down to my legs.
We used to put folded up sweat shirts under our butt's at Cedar Point. Hope this helps :> I hate when coaster operators do this, I put up a fit now, and the train doesn't leave the station. Don't let those power hungry ride attendants have their way...
I went there on Friday and what I do is I slide my butt towards the front of the seat and make my back strait so it looks like I'm actually sitting correctly and usually they just tap the seat and move on.
I was stapled many times last season, ever since then I've just put my legs up to the lap bar by keeping my feet up on my toes. They've never had me sit up or anything, it's never failed. they just tap the lap bar (not moving it at all) and then move on. I don't know, it's always worked for me.

The Infamous Chris Nicklebass (Lance Bass)
Good for them if they are doing it. Parks do not need any more accidents. If riders are not concerned about their own safety, good for the park for doing something.
Ive only been stapled 1 out of 15 times ive been on it. I wore jeans and slipped my shoes of so i could put my feet on top of them.

super7 said:
"Good for them if they are doing it. Parks do not need any more accidents. If riders are not concerned about their own safety, good for the park for doing something."

There's a HUGE difference between making sure the bar is down enough to be safe, and making the ride outright uncomfortable for riders. Stapling is never necessary, and CAUSES more injuries than it prevents!

--Greg, who's had one too many bruises from being stapled on a ride...
Stapling will get someone hurt someday! I rarely get stapled on Villain, otherwise the ride ops are cool with me. X-Flight is a whole different matter. :( Most of the times I don't but when you do get stapled on X-Flight, they make sure the bar is so far into your chest that you can barely breathe. Also your chest hurts after the ride.

When I do not get stapled, I can actually enjoy the ride. :)

Taht's why you breathe before they tighten it, works for me everytime.

"Villain-Once You Drop, The Fun Don't Stop!"~SFWoA Rules In 2001~X Marks The Spot In 2001(SFWoA)~With SFWoA ANYTHING Is Possible!
Yep that's what I do all the time B&M-TYCOON. But I have seen some people not know the trick, and they get really ticked off at the ride ops.

Villain needs new lap bars. Those make you feel stapled no matter how far up they are. They hurt!

The trolls shall remain under the bridge, hidden, and without food to grow.
I have never been stappled but one time my friend was "touched" by a ride op and you know where the lap bar comes close to...

Anyways, most of the time the ride OPs just come by and touch the lap bar with one or two fingers. Sometimes they miss, and have to come back and "tap" the lap bar. That's SF for ya.
When I was there back in really late May the park was practically deserted, anyways my friend and me got to ride Villain 6 times and we weren't stapled once. BTW those Gerastualer (sp?) trains were so comfy.

"This time I think ... I think it's ... it's going to work!" - Dr.Bruce Banner
The ride ops do the same thing on Magnum,so what's the big deal????????

super7 said:
"Good for them if they are doing it. Parks do not need any more accidents. If riders are not concerned about their own safety, good for the park for doing something."

There's being safe, and there's being overzealous. The op's on Magnum stapled me so hard that I came away from the ride with a bruised pelvis!
It caused me to make a trip to the hospital and
it nearly ruined the remainder of the trip!

Worst of all- letters, phone calls, and in-the-
flesh complaints have gotten me nowhere.

Rob- 'guess the squeaky wheel DOESN'T get
the grease at the Po!nt...:( *** This post was edited by RobCoasting on 7/18/2001. ***
Maybe it's the trains, longshot I know, but on the MB Hurricane, which has the Gerslauter trains, they always get me. Trick is after six or seven times through, they get tired of seeing you, leave you alone, and stop stapling. I've noticed those restraints always come down on the ride when you do have a little room, and I dislike lapbars that think for themselves, therefore I am indifferent about those trains. Smaller, modern, and old fashioned in a way, but the restraint itself is bunk.

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