Video of "Petrified" coaster riders at CP

lol ive always liked fox just for the fact that theyre out there, not that the stuff is quality but its always nice to get away from the *real* news, which usually isnt much.

thats why when there is no is the best for news, lol...

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They make it sound like CP just pushed a button from the station to release the restraints and left the people on top of the hills to get down themselves. We all know the employees were right there with the trapped guest almost 100% of the time.
Anyone notice the six flags scroller that starts to appear at the end of the piece? now that was funny.

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Pete's avatar
Petrified riders? Tense moments? LOL, those people looked absolutely mellow as they were walking on Magnum's catwalk.

The only sensible report came for a caller to a talk show on 1100 AM who was at CP. He said the park had excellent crowd control and handled the situation very professionally. That I can believe. The TV drama queen news shows could make tense moments out of a lawn mower, which ran out of gas while mowing the grass.

Many people would find walking Magnum's catwalk enjoyable and a treat, especially if they can climb to the top. (right Dan?) :)

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

ShiveringTim's avatar
I watched that story when it ran last week. I about fell out of my chair laughing during the "this is the line for bottled water" shot of the daily TTD vigil. Funny thing, I think I noticed more video cameras out and about at the park this weekend.

Scott W. Short

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