VF OD 2005

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I got there late and left early. WT was only running one train, but the brakes were light and there was mild air on the bunny hills.

SV was amazing in the front seat. I don't remember it being this good.

It was cold and rainy most of the time I was there but the sun would come out for a few minutes at a time. Riptide was closed when I arrived, but they said it had been open earlier. After getting off SV, the sun came out and I went to RipTide and I saw it had a line. I was allowed to board and they had a problem and someone had to leave for being too large. Finally after a long time the floor dropped. We did not move for a long time and then it started to rain again. They had said since it was so cold, they did not have the fountains shooting very high so we would not get wet. haha, jokes on me. Finally we moved backwards about 3 feet. Then back. Then the floor came up. It was funny as hell when other enthusiasts started cheering and saying how awesome the ride was. Then the floor dropped. By this time it was raining hard and everyone on the midway had taken cover and were watching us. We moved forward about 3 feet. Then back. Then nothing for a long time. Then the floor came back up and it was over. I commend VF on the new ride, but the ride program is pretty wussy.

The amphitheater is indeed closed and there are no shows scheduled for it. I looked around there as best I could, but could not find any markers or anything. I did find two markers near WT footers in the turnaround near the skyscraper, but I think they are left over from the skyscraper installation. Half of me wanted to go to my car, get the cam, take a pic, and send it to screamscape just for vekomas and giggles, but it was cold and rainy and I called Mt Olympus and they said Hades was open so I got in my car and drove around in circles for like an hour or so.

Yep, I was there too late this afternoon as well - all their coasters were running amazingly well. Excalibur, despite it being maybe a third of a coaster in length, was giving great air-time filled rides. Ran into a group who were loudly and happily proclaiming it was their 16th ride in a row, it was a walk-on while I was there. Even High Roller impressed in the back seat, the best I've ever seen it run!
That sucks that you didn't get to experience Riptide. I rode it 6 times yesterday and more today and I loved it. I really like the front side alot more than the back side. I also am really impressed with the new games area, and the midway infront of Riptide, it looks really great.

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