VF as seen by CMidget 6/27/03 (Bulletpoint)

Associated parks:

ARRIVED: about 12:30 pm

LEFT: 10 pm, probably the longest continual stay at the park in the seven years I've held a season pass. This was 6 year-old CMidget's first visit as an unquestionable 'big kid'--so no one really wanted to leave.

PARK APPEARANCE/ATMOSPHERE: Typical for late June--vines are starting to creep up trellises, most of the flowers and other growing stuff are in good bloom. There's still more stuff by High Roller yet to be planted. Come to think of it, I think the SV/Challenge Park path lacks greenery most of all. Trees and planters, anyone?

RIDE QUEUE TIMES: A twitch longer than expected--and that, as Martha Stewart would intone, is a good thing. Crowds seem fairly healthy.

BEST EXPERIENCE: Finally convincing Da Midget to board WT--a joint effort between CBaby, a female rideop in the station and yours truly. She may have been the first kiddie to bound off the train and give a rideop a great big ol' hug. Ride #2 ended in still more snuggling.

WORST EXPERIENCE: Da Midget's three in-station WT bailouts prior to her first ride.

MOST PLEASANT SURPRISE: Being invited on-stage by Ed Alonzo, blindfolded and asked to hold still as he tossed knives at nearby balloons. If you must know, the Ray-Bans went on over my blindfold.

BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT: Leaving my 3D SV souvenir cup in the theater after the show. Last show of the day too. Kinda sucked.


WT (My POV) - Have you been missing the annual CAPS-HEAVY RANTS by everyone's pal PINK FLOYD FANATIC that VALLEY(UN)FAIR has RUINED the WILD THING? There's a reason for that--it's run consistently well all season. I've caught it on 'lucky days' in previous seasons, so I've reserved my judgement until I experienced it over time...and if anything, it may even be performing better with its passing. I shall once again certify it a source of Sweet Morgan Air (TM). Ker-chunk goes my stamp of approval.

From a non self-appointed expert POV, it would appear that the first two sets of brakes after the ride have been reprogrammed. The first set (the ones that used to get excessive wear) is only used to trim the speed of the train and the second set brings the train to a full stop, but only if necessary.. I hope they can keep this configuration up all sesason...

Mild Thing (Midget) - Wheeeee!


Excalibur (Midget) - I was told to think of it as riding a bucking bronco trying to knock me off its back. I hid my head under Daddy's arm the whole ride and then screamed "Bad Horsey! Bad!"

WT (Midget) - That big hill is too big. It makes me feel like I'm gonna fly out of my seat.

Corkscrew (Midget) - That was short. Where's the seatbelt?


High Roller (Midget) - No specific review--just a look of terror followed by desperate attempts not to soil herself. It was her first adult coaster of the year. I'm sure it will slide up in the ratings later.


The usual WWC thing was cut short by chilly weather and a certain apparel mishap (not mine) that I won't mention here. The Chicken Ceasar salad in the Sports Bar seems just a tad smaller than past visits, but still okay. CBaby and Da Midget both give the new Gyros two thumbs up, and the new Kenyan acrobatic show gets a collective six thumbs, two big toes and a couple of elbows up. Keep those guys here..


Chaos (Midget) - She's still pretty POed about losing Enterprise access, but gamely tries to make do.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya 7/1/2003 1:59:20 PM ***

You never fail to be creative and daring in your TRs and posts. This one takes the Cult Boldness Prize for delivering this one so innovatively with zero replies to this point. Thank CMidget for being the victim of your report. ;)

Coaster Insomniacs- Coastin' the Night Away

Brown-noser :)

Hey, at least somebody read the biggest TR for me since the 100. Yeesh.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

Speaking of your trip-reports for your CPlaya 100, I really enjoyed taking in the TR's for the first 3 days/6 parks, but the TR for park 6 (SFWoA) only contains a link back to the TR for park 5.


I have tried searching the forum for the TR's for the last 3 parts to no avail. Anyway, I'd really love to finish reading about your epic adventure someday, so any hints you can give as to where those last 3 TR's are hiding?


*** This post was edited by quantum 7/10/2003 5:33:47 PM ***

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