VF 5-12-07

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As I thought just when I got home and logged on via my cell phone, there were already 2 trip reports. I had to wait until now to add my 2 cents on a good computer.

Anyhoo, Renegade is an excellent addition to the VF collection and should bring in a good crowd this year. Very happy to have it at my home park.

Others have compared it to Thunderhead, KY Rumbler, and Ozark Wildcat. I have to wait until June to make any fair comparrison. As for how it compares to the rest of VF, Renegaed set a new standard. I have to agree that the best air is the 3rd car. Alot of floats, steep banking and direction change that is steady throughout the ride. I will be looking forward to see how it breaks in.

I will add more to this later, I have to get to work.

k, I'm back. On to other issues.

Arrived about 9:40 with two full school busses comming in behind me. With that said, waitng for the gates to open was carnage. The season pass line was long and everyone that came along felt the need to cut through to get to the other gates. Plus the activation line into the office was moving slowly due to equiment issues. I had mine activated 3 weeks before (whew).

The gates opened and the season pass line moved very well. One zip of the card and I was in. and made a bee line back to Renegade. Surprisingly there was no mad rush to get there despite all the kids.

The line for "Reney" was obviously short and I was on in less than ten minutes. Took third from last car and was impressed. There were a handfull of siuts in the station watching the process. Nobody I recognized. If anybody knows who they were, feel free to inform us. One guy was wearing a GCI shirt but I don't know if it was Boodley or not. Rerode Reney about 2 more times (once with sws). The line did get a little longer so I opted to hit HR to see if there were any changes.

Thinking HR would be overbreaked again, I was surprised to feel the blocks only slow us a little and not kill the whole ride. It still kind of limped along but not like it has in recent past. Dissapointed at the fact that some spots didn't have the airtime I remembered it used too. It still has potential to be a great ride again if the threw some money at it and ran it like the good ol' days.

Stopped at the Northwoods grill to get a drink. They were not ready for opening day at all. I'll leave it at that.

From there back to Reney and after decided tro try again to get a drink at Northwoods. I got the refillabel VF bottle (or whatever). It will come in handy the rest of the season.

Lunch is over will continue again later.


I gots my drink on and headed to my Morgan love. What can I say. My butt was off the seat the whole time! Best airtime on any coaster ever built! It's my #1 steel...then MF. WT is even BETTER after the blocks! I had to sit down by the Dip'n'Dots and regain some normalacy after. That coaster never stops improving.

Enterprise is always a nice, relaxing time. I just sit back and let go. The ride ops did not see two girls waiting by their cars to get let in. And it seemed they were about to start the ride while the girls were standing next to it. Had to make some noise and point them out while waiting in line. Female ride op is cute though. I will go back there again.

Next: Took the walk to SV. Still a great ride but is showing it's age after only 4 years. The launch is not as strong and is getting rough on my heinder. I usually take the back row so I can stand on the seat in front of me during the break in the second cycle.

Almost 2:00 and decided to catch Corkscrew on the way to the bridge. To my surprise the station was full. But they were only running one train. I found the shortest line in the middle. After a few laps it was my turn. The on-ride cameras have been mounted on the cars but were no recording at the time. Neat gimmick, I'll do it once just to see how it goes sometime this year. I can just imagine though what people will do. Maybe worse than on WT photos.

Finally met up with Raven TTD, sws, and Ac-Vis (Dave, Scott, and Matt). After introductions, Scott and his daughter went to get food as the three of us headed to Renegade. I think we went about 3 times. After a pit stop we headed over to Excalibur.

Still an intense ride. But too short and needs to lose the breaks at the top of drop 1.

My short term memory is shot so I'll guess that we then went to WT, Xtreme Swing, PT (up only) and over to SV. Then back to Renegade for one last ride before the end of the day.

I want to thank those for meeting up and riding with me and hope to see them again. I know there were other C-Buzzers at the park and hope to meet them also later this season.

I learned some things throughout the day and had a great time. *** Edited 5/14/2007 10:22:51 PM UTC by ***

Thanks for another great season, VF!

Acoustic Viscosity's avatar
It's about time you checked in. Great meeting you, man. See ya in July!

AV Matt
Long live the Big Bad Wolf

sws's avatar
Whew, we were getting worried about you dude. Afraid you had gone MIA - that's missing in action, not Michigan's Adventure. ;)

WildThingNative said:

I gots my drink on and headed to my Morgan love. What can I say. My butt was off the seat the whole time! Best airtime on any coaster ever built! It's my #1 steel...then MF. WT is even BETTER after the blocks! I had to sit down by the Dip'n'Dots and regain some normalacy after. That coaster never stops improving.

LOL I got to ride it on Sunday and we were getting some air on the bunnies and the same with High Roller so maybe they are letting them run a little faster. I almost got Fabioed twice on HR. The first one was really close and while we were all talking about it a second bird almost hit me. Weird.

It was good to meet you.

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