Vertical Velocity or Deja Vu?

Which new ride at SFGAm will be better, Deja Vu or Vertical Velocity? There has been a lot of anticipation for these rides but no one said which will be better. I personally think Vertical Velocity will be better because it goes 0-70mph in 4 seconds.

Iron Wolf can't be beat! Deja Vu and V2 all the Way!What else is there to Say.
Considering they are going to be 2 different experiences, how can you really say which one is better? Personally I have never been on S:UE or an Invertigo(even though Deja-Vu will be bigger), so I am equally excited about both of them.

Way too different. While some people prefer one ride over another, that doesn't mean it's better.

- Peabody
I'm a little more excited for V2.... hence my sig. But I don't know if it will really be better than DV.

May 5th, Gurnee, Illinois, "I'm sprinting for V2"
Soggy's avatar
Sure you can compare them. They have quite a few big similarities... Both are...
Near the same height

I will be riding SFMM's DV and SFMW's V2 this summer. Deja Vu looks a bit more promising to me, I hope it's not too rough. After riding both, my opinion may well change!

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
I can't judge the coasters yet, I have to ride them first. But from the looks of the two rides, I think Deja Vu looks a little more exciting. I'm not saying V2 doesn't, but Deja Vu catches my eye faster than V2.

2 for 1 in 2001:SFGAm all the way!!
2002:CPs year 2 rule!
Deja Vu looks a little better, if I had to compare the two. It has a pair of vertical spikes, in comparison to V2's vertical and twisting spikes. Both look great, but I think that the super invertigo model, Deja Vu might very well be the best. But then again it may help to ride both first, since it is impossible to honestly judge a coaster without experiencing it first.

Home Park: Knotts Berry Farm!
but also Disneyland and DCA
I think DejaVu will be better than V2 this year. I mean we all know the drill for V2 already as we've already seen with Superman:UE at SFWOA. We all have never seen an Invertigo with vertical spikes. It makes me have goosebumps just climbing those tall, mean vertical spikes of DejaVu and then waiting for the drop.
I'm wondering what you guys think the lines for these rides will be like, given their low capacity. I've waited an hour for Giant Drop, another low capacity ride. Could these lines be among the worst we've seen at SFGam?
Maybe you should say - which coaster are you more excited to ride! I am looking forward to ride Deja Vu over V2 since I have already ridden an Impulse. Deja Vu is a first of it's kind.

Anybody have any guesses as to how long it will take for the DV trains to be pulled up the spike. Just thinking about it freaks me out because I'm a little of 200 pounds and I really can't think of any rides I've been on where I was putting all of my weight on the harness for more than a second or two. I'm guessing the cable lift system will be rather quick but still it's almost 200 feet. I think this will be one wicked ride and I hope SFMM has theirs up and running by memorial day.
I was wondering about that also. Crushed into the restraint for 20, or so, seconds. I think they will design it so the cable goes up the track very quickly. The other thing you gotta consider is if the cable goes as fast as other Boomerang coasters, the line will be very long.

SROS at SFNE, the #1 steelie
You have decide for yourself but,I would say V2 because I've been on S:UE and it ruled!You go 0-70mhp in a flash and its an invert,so its comfortable (If you have long legs like me)and smooth.What more can you ask for?

Long live the Phantom!
Sadly to say, I have never been on a launched coaster :( But, this year, it's going to change :) I'm looking foward to V2. I really want to ride Deja Vu, but V2 looks quite more intense. And plus, it's allready finished :)
Deja Vu, and V2, what more can you want? SFGAm #1
V2 Vertol Velocity Im Getting That At My Home Park SFMW
Dv At MyOther Home Park Six Flags Magic Mountin
*** This post was edited by BIG ONE on 4/29/2001. ***

Soggy said:
"Sure you can compare them. They have quite a few big similarities... Both are...
Near the same height

Me To ILive Near Both Six Flags Parks:)

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